mx518 freezes

since a few days my mouse freezes completely randomly.
sometimes i can use it normally for about 10 minutes, sometimes it just stops reacting (cant do shit with my mouse then, neither move it nor use any buttons - it just 'freezes') every 10-20 seconds for a good 2 or 3 minutes.
If it happens ingame, the game seems to lag fps wise for 1 or 2 seconds before i can go on playing (didnt notice this effect in windows).
As you may imagine, this is quite impossible to play and work with!
So help me plx!!

os: winxp
Setpoint vers: 4.00
dpi: 400
hz: 500
bought it about 2 years ago...
buy another one?
mine's just started doing the same thing mate i have to unplug the fucker and stick it back in only done it once ingame tho but all the time when im not on et -_-
had exactly the same problem a few years ago, guess there's no other way then to buy a new one. i opened it and checked all wires n stuff, but couldn't find any suspicious part.
aww poor phate :<
i got the same problem for 6 month know i learned how to play with it :D

but for me its not mouse-wise because i tried 3 different ones and i still got this "lags"

just found a little solution:
dont know why but im loading noQuarter mod before im loading etpromod.after it my gfx are pretty fucked up but i get less mousedisconnects:)
take it to guaranty or something, you will get new one for free
had the same just wait it will be over soon ;d
I had the same problem with my other mouse, but when i formated and reinstalled my windows, it stopped
broken cable imo
I had the same.
That is just Low"geek"teck want you to buy a new one !
Seriously evry mx 1337 i had did that after one year of use.
i have mine for 1 1/2 years now, maybe longer; never had any problems at all with it.
i SMELL a dodgey cable.

give logitech an email <3
Got It 2 weeks before my guarantee expired, and got luckily a new one. Afaik there is no other solution, the shitty thing is you will get now the new edition. :(
I will for him:/
mx518 has 5 years warranty, just go get a new one cuse its probably the common cabling-problem that mx518 has.
Mine and my brothers both did that to the point they stop working, im guessing the wiring is fragile
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