BSG S4 E03

Another good epsiode, I was wrong it wasnt just a filler episode!

Firstly why the frac wasnt there a journal about this epsiode, you are letting yourselves down people!

Cylon mutiny? Can they really afford to kill off half their fleet or will they just do the leader ones that were there. However could the centurions then turn on both of them?

Kalle's dead! She was so annoying and wont be missed however what a punch that knocked her down. I do hope we dont get an episode of cheif tyyrell mourning. Theres been enough death for them to mourn! However isnt the baby now half cylon?

Apollo vs the president is going to be good. When the president dies he would be a logical person to take the lead and then...what if hes a cylon? Which is my theory anyway. President Apollo turns out to be the 5th! Oh how good that would be, then the admiral would have to kill the president and his son!

image: cylon-797954
Quote Spree McCheeseburger on 20/04/08, 14:22:26 Del | Edit | Reply

TitanClash Challenge

Sounds cool tbh!!!


dno the series ;D
what's so cool about it?
I mean, is it the same as star-trek, cuz tbh that's rly boring :P
No other than the fact its in space its not sci-fi at all. Just watch the pilot and you'll be hooked, I assure you.
Exactly why i wouldnt watch it at first, but like toss said, i was hooked after the first couple of episodes :D

Even my twin sister loves it
that includes the pilot epsiode? You must watch that
Took me a while, but I think you are talking about Battle Star Galactica!

In which case I don't really care >__>
Battlestar galactica?
dont like bsg saw around 10minutes of it and deleted it ;<
episode one is the nuking of the colonies. Did you see lots of nukes?
was a nice episode especially the end was unexpected and i agree she was getting annoying. im just curious to see who of the five will be revealed. I gues if that shut down model gets reactivated we will know who the fith is. Somehow i still think it could be baltar but who knows. Its obviously gonna be someone you would least expect it to be
well go get it, preferably in HD. Best 3 hours of TV you'll see today (yes its 3 hours long)
Shit, right?
just watched it, really good ep
some day maybe i will know what u are talking about now
tosspot, unban me plz! i didnt anything wrong! :<
I loved the dark atmosphere surrounding this episode. Great directing.
And Starbuck going nuts on her spacecraft is just priceless :D
Too much overpriced coffee?
there are actually some ppl who watch battle star galactica?
couple million
ah k, im just not interested in science fiction series, therefore i thought that hardly anybody watches it (except for those geeks who like to dress like jabba the hutt or captain kurk in their free time :PP )

sorry for my ignorance!
Its not Sci Fi, and comments like these are FAR from inspirational!
"Battlestar Galactica, or BSG, is a franchise of American science fiction films and television series." wikipedia tells me something different, none that less the comment wasnt ment to be serious anyways...
last thing i watched was the final of s2, is it still worth it after that?
S3 was better than S2 imho, except perhaps for the first couple of episodes in S3.
spot the difference!

image: wa_battlestargalactica_04
2 of them are cylons?
I count 5 :O
Laura Roslin has to be a cylon... nobody else could be that bitchy
erm, at least 4 o.0
It's actually a "mini series" (Wikipedia calls it a "backdoor pilot").
Just download all 6 the star wars movies and youll be more than happy :d
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