High Graphics cfg

Need high graphics config, pm me if you got one thx:)
r_mode 8
r_picmip 0
imo r_mode -1
and customheight and width just like ur screen res
cant someone with good ETconfig skills make somekind of programm so people can make their own config.
maybe a list normal questions so every noob can understand them. and when you are done, it will automaticly create an autoexec for you.
something like:
o do you want to see your gun while playing?
o do you want to have a clock in your screen?
o do you want to see blood when you hit an enemy?
o select your resolution...(list of most used resolutions + other: namely [fill in your resolution here] )
o etc etc
I thought there was one?
ye it sounds logical, but never found it (or never searched for it) :P
cfgmaker 3.0
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