What are you doing..

..right now ..beside reading this journal :)?

I am obviously working.. more exactly i am drawing a project for dad's company - what sux :D ..but since is outside raining i have nothing better to do :[

here is just a piece of my project.. (click to zoom it) image: workkk

..and you ppl?

have a nice day ;)
browsing the iNetz

edit: how is your job called?
Im reading your journal OLOL obvious reply!

and Im waiting for a taxi
Drinking lucozade refreshing CF in my boring job :(
Did I tell you that I want a job like yours already?
No,you dont.Its boring as shit :(
Yeah but you have internets! Convince your boss to make an ET lan in your company as everyone is bored anyways :D
Ye but he doesnt know i have it ;D
What do you do on your job except refreshing xfire?
Answer one or two calls,read the newspaper :D
But its so quiet in here they might have to start making cutbacks,but hopefully it wont come to that.
i'm selling your project
Being lazy until I have to go to school just for one freakin' lesson (and I actually have to go cause I need some info from my teacher about a huge-ass presentation which I have to prepare on thursday - didn't start yet tbh)
One lesson is fine :)
I'd rather sleep than move my ass just for 45 minutes of boredom -_-
watching dragonball z episode 53
haha autocad, ezybash..
im reading cf atm, going to buy some food for the week in half an hour or smth.
since we reply here im sure we all browse crossfire :/
i make new folders for new tasks at work. normally we have trainees. but all r aways ffs ://

and ye i have to agree with theodoreee
I'm happy that you agree about our wedding !
............. :/
and i thought you ignore me =)
learning for my exams..
selling fucking pc components to fucking stupid people coz all guyz from shop are out....h8 stupid people.... 1xVerbatim DVD - R 25cake pls...omfg gtfo seriusly...i am pissed off
cleaning :<
go to clean then image: xxxxxxxxdcr8
image: xxxxxxxxdcr8cleaned already image: xxxxxxxxdcr8
i'm sick and playing Trackmania Nations Forever (:
<---lost my train for the school then waiting for some rl friends that will bring me some weed and others nice stuff xD

i playing COD4 ; )
i have fucking loads of work to do, but exam on friday...which sux....on friday ill get wasted again, A LOT!

cheers immoo <3^^

hi schnee! <3
work sux!!!!!1111 this week is freaking me out so much :o) if there wasnt this hard exam on friday and that fucking important meeting tomorrow, id skip work for uni - but i just cant! 1 day to learn wont be enough ://// thx for your ear for my flame and have a nice day! :D

yoyoyo ..hf @ learning :)
Just woke up and listening to the 4 albums I downloaded last night.

Going to get a massage in some salon thing cuz I'm pro and need relaxing time!!
at work atm :D
making use case diagrams... weeeeee
Listening music and doing food.
Drawing all lines in one layer!!!

Autocad low-skiller... :)
well i am usualy making layers at the end.. i know thasts not good but who can say m what i can/can't do ?! :D
lvling my shaman :)
designing a road
like everyone who commented after reading your journal, commenting on a crossfire journal

and waiting for college
image: p4220001lw2

havin sum f00d nom nom nom
looks like you are eating a dog
cat, 666 \m/
ROFL...youre crazy..is that your breakfast??!!?
smth like dat. what's crazy about it anywayz?
bah...totally unhealthy...i hate that kind of food :D white bread, ketchup...:-X
I fully agree :D
u rly don't want to see tibia player's diet then! (not talkin bout myself :D)
yes i wanna know it! and i wanna see your all bodies! :D
Finally you accepted your second identity, Andreas. 8DD
that's gay m8, but k!

image: mens_fitness_561_13
ill :/ taking my pills now + listening to "opgezwolle"
Reading your journal.
Quote..right now ..beside reading this journal :)?

listening to RHCP + finishing my tea + preparing for work
Drinking a protein drink :o
stop using it! ..since you can have the same capacity muscles if you are eating bananas when you do gym and before/after eegs or pasta italiana ;) ..you just need to eat it for a bit longer than proteins.. but it doesnt really matter if you have enough time ;) ..thats my food when i am training :) ..i was considered to eat like that by a bodybuilder who won a bigger tournament in Croatia
..thats just my suggestion ! ..you can do what you want ofc. ..but myoption is better for your body.
hf ;)
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