Need a Shoutcaster for Kirwa-Overload

Since Toss said he has no time this week/ is unable to shoutcast, we need someone who does a shoutcast. :P
English/German preferred!
ask flyingdj :D (or swine :DDDD)
no lowmid games!
no lowmid casts
pm me @ #h&sgmbh
oh you got op there unexpected!
How about that person who got busted for not cheating who shoutcasted, about 2.7 years ago?
i can do it.
YOU NEED United Kingdom MASHED !11!!!
or splodge !!!11
btw, what happened to Mashed, havent seen him SC for a while.
You need winamp with the shoutcast plugin and the you just need to borow a shoutcast server and play some ownage music, and abuse high players when they make one mistake, you would be ace at it :D
Just stop being a retard and everthing is fine, blame your english-skills, not me '_'
As he fucking should, his fault the baby was ill to start with. :@
'SAM Broadcaster' is quite nice for shoutcasting or dj'ing, in addition it's an alternative to winamp, because it's gratis as well.
All you need is the program and a server.
I am using SAM, if you shoutcast with winamp you will suck, because its in no way professional, just fuckn newbie programme for shoutcasting
Thanks, but you know its not that easy. Try it and I tell you how you did.
gogo waki, fucker :DDD
i heard you really like shit
i like mashed
ill do it if u gimme a server for it
i would give it to you if i had one :(
i would care if you had one :(
Explain me who to set up this shizzle of SAM Broadcaster and I might do it.
plz dont.

People will say to me "are you the Gabt thats in that clan with that crappy shoutcaster" and ill have to say "nah im fake nicker fanboy", plz dont do it wolf... :(
Then you obviously never lived through one of my shoutcasts ;) Ask Sean about it :P
[bash wolf]Oh sorry, ill add the sarcasm tags, i rly thought u were intelligent enough to pick up on it, but oki :p

[/bash wolf]
you need shoutcast server first
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