Who is from Helsinki

I need a list of who is living in or near Finland Helsinki, because, as some might know, I will be going there to study the next semester (September to December).

At the moment I know that Anonymous Gaso and Finland jauhis is living there, but please put your self on my list of people that I need to annoy, if you are as described above living in or near the Finnish capital :P
Tarja Halonen
I am not!
Take something warm with you. And a harpoon.
Anonymous Ensiferum and Anonymous Wintersun

What will you be studying there?
Well, I will probably only take one course at the university there and then work on a bigger project, which will be related to my master thesis.

I'm am going to TKK Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics.
I guess u will be studying on Espoo's TKK in Otaniemi. What I know, they dont have any in Helsinki, i mean TKKs.

The subject you are majoring in sounds really exiting. Im trying to get into TKK on this year.
Yeah yeah, it's in Espoo :)
Anonymous Moonsorrow too!
I could list a pile of Anonymous bands, I don't think Arachon would like them. But maybe he could do some work on them as he's an audiophile + going to study with audio stuff :{
wintersun pwnz hard
I'm from Helsinki.
100km from HELLsinki
this guy:

image: scarce
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD yeah might be a bad idea to come here...
onse hieno mies
onpa homon näkönen, pitäs varmaa käyä vähä "komistamassa"
smth like 20km from helsinki
lol kaipaaks fanipoikia eiks mussa oo tarpeeks
~100 km from Helsinki
im from helsinki
Too bad i'm not living in south, would've loved to annoy you!
helsinki region.. me
iron lives near :>
[16:07:37] [@Iron] 350km !
15 km from helsinki -> Espoo
i live 2,373 km drive from helsinki
made me lol :>
then ur rly boring guy.
weren't you planning to go to US or AUS ?
Yeah, but Finland was more challenging skill-wise :P
100 km away from Helsinki (in Hämeenlinna)
You got kinda less hair for a student.
nice not mentioning me in any way fucker
Didn't know/think that you live in Helsinki.
nice to say that you would study here.... let's make things clear for others... you're coming to Finland Helsinki to eat MÄMMI, so your aim will increase!
toNi is from helsinki <3
~400km from helsinki 8(
I live at Helsinki :>
i live pretty close, just over the sea in tallinn
are living there*
I live there, lol!
~450km from Helsinki :-)
Finland Seilori is studying too in TKK. Better keep some distance to him.

http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=cEVuUql_yBA <---He is one of those boys.
Seilori is totally one of those :D
I do. But I dont´'t know you nor do you know me.
30 km from helsinki, called lakehead :XD
I live in helsinki brooklyn kkk
kkk took my baby away
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