Aimimng methods

Need another method to find sens because raziel's method is a lie. lets go
just aim at the head
worst tip ever in ET
you seem to know a lot more than just've said ,
share with journal inventor.
play lotto and add the numbers u choose and devide them with 6
test,change,test,change,test , find the best
heres the best off all (tested and proofed): use that one that feels best for you
dont give a shit about tutorials n stuf in most cases it wont help u cuz ur not that kind of player the author is.
if you failed using his guide i suggest start playing WOW and gtfo I play wow, got anything against that!?
you always been a noob!
wtf is a aiming method? shoot for the head retard.

btw. nuke this thread
When someone says aiming methods, it could mean;

Crouch Aiming
Proning (luloldschool)
Strafing and randomly crouching

bla bla bla
k -_-
i guess im number 3 then
What the actual shit?
What,Its what you got for dinner tonight I know that cos Im currently stuck up your ma
The only thing thats stuck up atm is my dick pumping your old mum rotten. wat wat wat
still up for tag teaming annelot ?
Yea, has to be tactical, else we have a possibility of ripping that bitch wider than she already is. Gonna make her bleed. wat?
you forgot to add '' shoot and move without crouching '' to your list

some do that
Raziels guide is outdated idd, just test only YOU can be happy with YOUR own sens :-)
raziels guide solely applies if you are using mainly your arm to aim not your wrist and by arm probably with your arm lifted even. Any player using a twitchy high sensitivity with their wrist is obviously gonna struggle to track that tiny spot in the middle of the MG
i play with my wrist at med/high sens and i have no problems, people who play with their arm may have less problems at beginning but after a while of practicing it should be no problem
I really doubt you can track the MG better than I can at a low sensitivity so I must have better aim right?
i never said i can do it better
Just trying to say it's all relative there's a lot of things the mg doesn't simulate like you should always pick a sensitivity where you can aim in the most difficult situations then adapt yourself to aim in the easier situations things like that you can't get from just the MG.
true, i was planning to try making a small map with a moving object, but i'm to lazy and probably don't know how to do it:<
Standstill tagets ftw. x-]
Why should the method to find your sens be outdated? Just some programs and hardware advices are outdated.
Not really... it's not a case of it being outdated, it's just that it was never really that great and we've moved forward now to a point where aim is more important.

@op: There is no magical method of choosing a sens, pick a sens, play with it for a round, raise/lower until you get closer to what you like
Nearly what I ment ;]
is that what raziels guide is all about?
can't remember, been years since i ever saw it
try aiming @ enemies help for me
Aim for that thing which has 2 eyes,2 ears, mouth and a nose (unless they're deformed)
You could start at a decent sens.. say 2.0 for example;

2.6 <- 2.4 <- 2.2 <- 2 -> 1.8 -> 1.6 -> 1.4

etc etc.. just go on some public and keep increasing/decreasing sens by 0.2 untill you find something reasonable
Dont use sens changers or fov changers.
Stick with 1 mouse,1 mat,1 sens.

Lows sens pwns all.
I use fov changer and when I change fov, it changes the sens also. Its good to have a fov changer in some maps, for example beach is map where you could use another fov at the beginning and at the objectives another fov.
Does it not fuck up your tracking?It did to mine.
No, I play different games with different sensivities (lowest sens: W:ET and RTCW, higher sens: COD4, highest sens: Q3 and wSw) :p I'm just used to all of the sensivities and I can play well with them : )
i use a fov changer :<

nout wrong with it !
But does your change while shooting?

I should prolly rephrase
crounch + aim in head = BAM! headshot
raziels guide is fucking awesome
".........but you're on your own with ETX"
once again in english please
Total Recall? :D
try out something that you believe in e.g

set sens: 666 , 3.14, 1337, 8OO8 or you can find some random constants in your physics books. hf my padawan
try aiming by nunca, pm me for more details.
Why is that?
in et, you dont need aim
u only need the worst connection u can get and ur pro!
idd m1Ke is right use the secret commands /rate 5000 /cl_maxpackets 40 and download during wars.
never had rate 5000 or maxpackets 40 and i never dl during wars so?
forget it ,me iz too tired to explaaiinz.
contact gabt for nice aim
dont change ur settings ever again just pick a sens that suits you and learn to play with it
search for the lowest sens possible that still lets you do a 180 fluently
hello, u are the greatest player that has replied to this aimhelp, u have any tip for me?
read what abort & lotix said, they pretty much got the point of the sens placebo
10x, but is cfg importante?
You dont find your sens, you take one and get used to hit. I've hade really different settings and you get used to them all after a few hours. I use default now, easy to remember.
First of all, low sens != skill (waiting for lowsensers to flame me). Second of all just stop changing every setting all the time, you need to be used to your settings to be in top shape, which will never happen if you keep on changing.
QuoteNeed another method to find sens because raziel's method is a lie. lets go

That's kind of funny to read, taking into account the fact that some of the top ET players use almost exact sens RaZiel had back in the old days... The oldschool still applies. That doesn't, of course, mean low sens is better than high sens and vice versa.
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