rapidshare fun

since arc already noticed you have to be a fucking indianer jones to get a free download started at rapidshare: here are some new riddles from them:


and http://img3.imagebanana.com/img/2m7nlqag/1208799218626.jpg
Lulz was preserved.
lol... good
oh dear gets worse by the minute :<
cf need this aswell to login
xD well done
whats with the banana
I don't wanna brag or anything, but I got about 10gb of amateur gay porn on my rs account.
that's called confessing, not bragging
banana phone?
rapidshare is only for non-stupid people now
yeah thats why 90% of the crossfire community fail by entering the code xD
nice fake :D
funny but i dunno why u dont just buy rapidshare, great thing like to support it.. costs like the price of a beer per month ;/
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