CoD4 Rulesets

Ruleset Suggestions:

I have made 3 ruleset suggestions to help balance the game. Everyone knows that some weapons are unbalanced, if this wasnt the case, every league and tournament wouldnt have a limit on them. My suggestions are both quite small, but would make a positive difference to the game.

The suggestions are using existing perk sets, so no coding changes are made. The only changes that would be required would be to a leagues ruleset.

1) Sniper rifle would have the 'Steady Aim' perk added. This would double the unscoped accuracy, meaning that instead of being impossible to unscope someone as an option, it would be there, albeit a last resort.

2) Shotgun would also have the 'Steady Aim' perk added. This is because currently the shotgun isnt an option, for anyone. I think it should be a viable gun, but only in the closest range

3) The 'SMG' catagory would have the 'Stopping Power' perk removed. This means that a new damage table is made for close to mid range:
head : 2 shots
chest, feet, hands : 3 shots

The result would be that an accurate SMG'er would not find a lot of change, he can still shoot people within 2 shots. A bad SMG'er would still be able to kill, but would be 'less' lucky in doing so
sounds good tbh

sorry, just wanted to say that...
sorry, BULLshit
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