ephix 4 - 0 FF

ephix has 6/4 now, FF has 8/4 and vae 8/8

does this mean that if ephix win their match vs cortana, whether with 4-0 or 4-2 they will always end up on top of the group? :O i dont rly know how cb's point system works properly

someone enlighten me!
we will win. problem solved.
if ephix win vs cortana BB vae
ephix wont win :d
bibuy already? :( my hopes on cortana !
dont forget, everything related to croatia is corrupted
how much u need?!
dont ask me anything, i'm not playing :{
I think that you're right!
ephix will win vs cortana.
That is correct.
Whoever has most wins will define the order in the group. When wins and losses are the same the system looks at the rounds won.
direct results against teams with the same points is first.
:o, didn't know that ^^
So that would mean that VAE will go through no matter what ephix does? Or is do you mean map wins when you say 'points'?
looking at it. Ephix needs to win to make it a 3 way tie, which would nullify their loss against VAE, as:

FF beat VAE
VAE beat Ephix
Ephix beat FF

So then you are back to netto mapscores.

FF 8/4 --> 8/4 +4
VAE 8/8 -->8/8 0
Ephix 6/4 --> 10/6 or 10/4 +4 or +6

Therefore, no matter what they will go through if they win and VAE is out. With 4-0 and 4-2, they will top the group.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up for me :)
You have 4 on hard
You won 45
i osama bomb laden. . . .
Why can't I find an ettv replay of this match, but instead I see 20 ettv replays of vagrants vs o6 (where I sucked) ?
ffs I always bet on the underdogs, I'm aiming for last on gtv ranks. Tonight I wanted to put all my money on FF, but Menso the retard distracted me about the football........
You (and Cash) are correct - if Ephix win the Cortana game then they go through top of the group with FF in 2nd, VAE would be out.
wp snail :D
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