John Arne Riise

What a great goal :P

And Barcelona wanted to sign him?

I'm wondering where I should post the youtube video :o
ouch post it here!
ouch post it here!
ouch post it here!
simon says leave it
oh shit, i aint gonna sleep tonight! :O
also the xfire admin had every right to delete your .avi topic, as you could see yourself, 99% of the comments said the same thing - the .avi doesn't show anything so I don't see why you're crying.
I'm sure if you have a real bust no one is going to delete your topic.
he sucks.
shit happens, he's a great player !

image: 1172095078
I am not a Liverpool fan, but those who say he suck got some serious issues to deal with..

United will bash Barcelona tonight <3
Guess you haven't seen him play for Norway =)
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