How's the weather at your place today?

The Heatwave today is crazy, hot humid weather and extreme shortness of breath.

40° is the usually 'normal' wheater (sometimes even hotter about 43° plus) only in one place in the country called Eilat - the Red Sea is located there and the biggest tourist resort in the country (and the border with Egypt) but today 40° is all over the country.

Thanks god i'm on holidays so i don't have to be in school till the end of the week.

How is the weather at your place today?
sun, no clouds, warm, summer, yay,
and 15° max xDXDXD

some clouds but warm ~18°
very hot =(
no wind and even if there is wind its also hot =D
perfect to go to the sea or to the pool after gym xd
30C not 40C
You're wrong!
"Issued at 09:03 (Local time) 23 Apr 2008,
23 Apr
( Wed ) 37 DESERT WIND"
Look at the time now.
ani mazia ben ha ezbaot me rov hom
ze mezeg avir ezli!!!!!!!
your objectdeck is a lie xD
not useing object deck...igoogle
18-20 °C
Westel will be ez bash!!
spiloze lealning chinese?
maybe! hebde idee wnr fom is? kga mss me funteamken me allemaal irl mates daar naartoe gaan =) kga sCoot ook meevragen :D
Got me brolly
warm, sunny, no clouds i guess about 15° C in Berlin? But dont know rly as i am sitting in climated callcenter atm :P

Seems Spring has finally arrived
Sun, a few clouds, around 14° C not rly windy
First time in ages I've had my fan on. I'm also tempted to break the spider webs near my curtains to open the window.
-30C walking with my polar bear atm
Eilat is a CITY not a COUNTRY.
"only in one place in the country called Eilat"
Where did i mentioned country? learn to read.
ata kaze mefager
go back to vgames !
ata lo ba tzava?
kibalti kidum, yesh li shavoaa hofesh
ata mekabel kidoom kol shavoa az?
aod hodesh ani sgan-aluf
walla, le ben adam normali lokeah 10 shana lehagia la darga hazo ve leha shavoa. nice...
amarti hodesh...
ma kashur? ata hai be seret she ata ba shayetet be ata sgan alof. tse ma ha seret haze kvar
ahi aod hodesh ani sgan-aluf lama ata lo mamin li?!?!
ki ata hai be seret. ata mesharet shavoa ve kvar sgan alof?
dai lahfor karega ki ata yotze misken yoter ve yoter
ahi ata yotze misken ki ani bihlal aod lo siyamti kita yud-beit =/
yatzata misken shemaamin lekol davar ahshav kishta !
dereh agav, amarti hodesh lo shavoa !!!!!!!!!
maze meshane metoomtam ?!

aba sheli shiret 20 shana hel avir ve lifne shana kibel sgan alof, hu hishtatef be 2 milhamot.

ata ma asita? KLOOM.

ein mazav she ba olam she ata tekabel sgan alof ba 5 shanim ha krovot lefahot.
az stom tape. yeled mamash misken, ha siba ha yehida she ani medaber itha ze ki ani nehene lirot otha yoze tembel
ah shel haver sheli (tzah) ao ben 33 vao sgan aluf.

asiba ayehida shani medaber aitha ai ki ata metomtam retzah vze matzhik lavod aleha liraot aotha yotze kol paam debil.
takshiv ata kola ben 15, ata lo mevin klom meahayim shelha az tamin li adif shetishtok lama ata yotze kol paam aod mefager.
interesting language, reminds me of finish xD
this kid belive to everything i say, and then call me a liar =D
and then he try to teach me, so i reminde him few facts =)
ah,ok :D
but its still a strange language
yea crossfire dont support hebrew font :o
so im writing @ hebrew-english :p
i guess it would be more strange with a hebrew font ^^
"oved ali"

lama ata hash she mishu mamin leha she ata be darga hazo?

ani maniak eim ata lo jobnick misken
amarti leha lo siyamti bihlal kita yud-beyt tafsik laeyot mefager !!!!!!!!!!!!
lama ata hoeshv she ani toreah likro et kol ha tgovot shelha?

yeled misken.
tagid ata holeh lishon midi paam?
ze shata lo kore masbir lama ata kaze debil
vani lo aoleh lishon af paam.
kvar hodesh shani er !
it's been sunny since yesterday ,very warm as well but not enough to wear just t-shirt : ) girls don't care though ... short skirts..
gay fucking shit sun shining too bright. and it's fucking hot. fuck that shit i want winter back :L
5c, gonna start snowing soon I think :X
~18 C , sunny partly cloudy
15°C, very cloudy, sometimes rain
a little bit cloudy here, but mostly sunshine all the day.
dunno about the temperature think its about 16-18°
all in all a nice day to go out
17 degrees outside and 21 degrees inside :/
sun clouds wind bai
around 25 °C but a few clouds in the air
its bloody raining, surprise surprise
Quote by TheDuck Sun, a few clouds, around 14° C not rly windy

same here
25° + here :)
sun but only 16° :C
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