watafak is wrong

watafak is wrong with those peepz at cod4

every server sux, I FINALLY find a good server, some admin there starts accusing me of cheating and 10 minutes later I'm kicked.

rly... gtfo :<

image: cheater
cod4 is shit, i mean it.
just dont play it!
not so funny but the juli is hot xD
although now she looks like a skeleton =(
spreeeee, go online at irc :O
stop cheating then
cod4 is shit, go play ET and get flamed at every server
hi evan²
egoboost deluxe
all hail the greatness of your awesomeness
like u in ET
play wars
i find peoples in cod4 more helpfull and nice than in et
and here is an example ;[

well your english is even worse than humm3l's engrish
haha just dont say if you have nothing to say
Go & find some ppl for COD4 War
if you are lucky then they don't know you in that scene yet!
pub sucks nearly on every game
acusing u for cheats :D
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