Do you use invert mouse?

I just wanted to know are you using invert mouse (yes/no).

I do
Nah, I don't
yes and i play without mouse!

it sucks balls
my bro does :p
I don't and never did.
up is up and down is down
nope why would anybody want to move his mouse up to aim lower?
once upon a time i did, it's the very same once you're used to it
in q3 there is an advantage if you use it, but in et its almost useless.
kot does!
mystic uses inverted
really? i guess im gonna try it too then :)

thanks for tip
i will be as good as mystic =:-)
it is in one of his fake configs. I have the real one and there is no invertion..
you got mystic.cfg? nice :P
YES THE REAL ONE ;)))))))))
failinator = overdrive = tag = ec
slarto = lowskiller = some clan = oc

-> you are wrong, he is right
Tekoa has been using Invert mouse for the last 2-3 months and he's aiming alot better with it enabled, he said it took 4-5 days to get used to it, but as soon as you have gotten used to it, he said its much better...and this is no joke
he lied you for fun :) didn;t you know ?
You have no idea. Change your flag or go back to school and get your grammar sorted!
tell me about that !
why would anybody want to move his mouse up to aim lower?
if u played flight simulators for example before FPS then u prolly are used to it
hes nub. ok.
i did years ago, then i switched to non-inverted

edit: Replicator played with inverted mouse!
ofc, who doesnt :FFFF
yes ezbashj
that wud be fun tbh
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