X³ Reunion v2.5 (Vanilla)

Hi to every1 reading this :o)
To all the fans of space simulators: I can deff. recommend X³ (only 10€) to everyone feeling connected to the genre and with the will to be completely free in-game.
To every1 who already knows the game:
I got 1 transporter(Merkur) and 1 fighter(Buster) and made 380k crd. so far! I am planning on selling the argonian transporter and buying a teladian one to mount mobile mining system. Would you recommend that and if yes, do you have a script to get the trader go mining by itself?
I dont expect too many ppl knowing what I talk about so if you do just send me PM.
Let the flame begin :o)
wtf are you talking about?!
go away capitan kirk you and your evil planes!

oh wait i remmember this game =D
cool game, love the battle mode :o
good luck !
my roommate is fuckin addicted to that game. he been playing it for ages now
hm, loved the 1st, 2nd was too big already, how is the 3rd?
immense! like a bigger X²

but they improved the handling of it. So the real nerds stick to X²
X3 is a wicked game, the best advice I could give is to join the Egosoft forums and get chatting on there, one of the best web communities I've come across.
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