PC down :<

I was playing on cybergames, when suddenly my pc drops downs.
I cant turn it on anymore..
My screen says: No video input

help me pls ! <3
you need a video input
plug in ur monitor..
or buy a new gfx card
hm kee, its expensive?
depends on what u want.. fast cards are expensive, shitty arent.. but theres no guaranty that ur gfx card is broken
nah only like 10 euro
depends on what u want.. fast cards are expensive, shitty arent.. but theres no guaranty that ur gfx card is broken

€ 10 ;o ?
yeah, thats for average cards, fast cards are like 15e
I thougt 100/150 euro @_@
Well dont buy anything less than 100€ imo
Gfx can be ok. Don't give false infos.
Quote by diphbut theres no guaranty that ur gfx card is broken

You gave him 2 options in the first place, that makes statement "it's 100% gfx" to be true. And your "but theres no guaranty that ur gfx card is broken" doesn't make my statement look awful, unlike yours.
My point is that the possibility that his pc has problem with power management(see: mb or psu or all together) is higher than gfx. And you'r giving him the least possible option and calling me an idiot?
Go climb wall of dicks, faggot, cause that's the only thing your brain can manage.
you`re retarded... never said that it is 100% his gfx card..
ur still an idiot
image: arguing_on_the_internet
prove me wrong,
oh wait... you are out of arguments??

i dont need any arguments :D
and y should i prove u wrong?! u never said anything wrong roflmao.
oh and plz dont hurt me that much with dipshit.. oh it hurts
Ok, for total nobrainers:

Imagine he had a car, and he claims his car's headlights aren't working. And you are saying:
"Maan, check if you turned on the engine, but well buy new engine..."
He's asking:
"Is it expensive?"
You are telling him:
"Well it depends, powerful engines are expensive, but well there is no warranty your engine is dead tbh."

Got it now? You give false impression of a situation, fucking put it in your brain.
blabla, im bored...
you prove my point about your brain's capabilities.
oh noez, i dont give a shit what ur talking about, im stupid
he asked me how much a new gfx card would cost so tell me what should i tell him on that question? they`re eating dogs in china?
OW wij zijn diep bedroefd dan dit oh zo krachtig monster/ onze vriend het lootje heeft moeten leggen gecondoleerd
okidoki and now in english pl0x
Je meot ff je gfx in een andere comp knallen als die het zelfde heeft weet je zekger datje gfx naar de klote is.
It can be MB, GFX or PSU or even all together. Is it beeping?
I cant even use my pc :<

Sit here on my parents pc
something with your gfx card. try to plug in another or if its overclocked reset your settings.
alry fixed !
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