need usefull sony vegas plugins

Hey everybody. Im a bit new in movie maker scene and so i need some usefull plugins ( already got magic bullet but I am looking for something special so if u knew some, pls write it down! ) I dont want to see useless comments plx THX!
Pixelstretch if you record console x))
I don't use any Vegas Plugins and I'm perfectly fine with it.
useless comment BUHAHAHA
:'[ u broke zeh rules GTFO!!!11!1
Plugins = Presets = Fail. Do it yourself!
vegas quake
but use AE for FX's
I don't use plugins and quality is good :)
i guess he's not looking for quality-increasing plug-ins, but for plug-ins with cool effects and stuff.
ask ag0n.
already got good quality...vaGgi is right...need something special you know ;)
use Heroglyph 2.5 xD ...u know this "plugin" right? XD (sens best inet friend <3 xD)
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