i'm dead tomorrow :<

image: niels_stoops

this guy is gonna beat me up tomorrow at school, damn i'm scared :x
edit: 16y old, 1m75 max, he just fits the telelens (width)
R.I.P. allready
fear from teh power of emo.XDDD
you must be able to beat him tbh
youre 18? and fighting with 16 year olds :< you realise if he beats you, your life really is over?
age doesn't really matter its about length and weight imo
Its about skills not size.
well if a 60kg guy hits u, u prolly feel less as when an 80kg guy(muscle not fat) hits u :D.

Cuz with the "skillz" you also learn to put all your body weight into your punches/kicks so ye size does matter but so does the skillz
But if you are like uberskilled and don't take a single hit then?
there arnt alot of people that are uberskilled... but ok then you wont have a problem then thats true.

tough if the skills are about same weight deff is a factor to count on
Yodsaenklai semtex HERE WE GO!!!!
"there arnt alot of people that are uberskilled.."

Thank god we have me.
I know. Im 62kg and Im sparring with 95kg one.
but if u both dont have skills like 80% of the world it does matter
made me lol
i looked him straight in the eyes this morning, he turned away as quick as he could :D
thats like:

youre highskilled? and playing in bio :< you realise if he kicks you from bio, your et life is over?
This gay looks like a guy
Come oooooon let's twist again!!! pop pop!!! Like we did last year!!!! pop pop!!!!
same hair"STYLE" as I have :<

image: nielsstoopsjf3
Looks like he crying @ picture:D
i'd shit my pants i guess..
oh right
ok i would beat his ass up
just kick him in the nuts
Not everyone is you !
if he win ur new name will be "suckup" here.
no movie no proof
call Italy mama
i got his number #1 in my sellphone
lol really,if he thinks he will beat you up,he wont expect you to bite his face like an animal.Try it,he will shit his pants
he already shits his pants looking at my shadow :p
Oh,so your not really scared XD
ofc not :D he's two years younger, fat as a hippo and turns away when he sees me :D
You must come xfire to make some shitty post about it, who cares.
imo take a cut & knife him :DDDDDD
but then i would get suspended :<

and i cant beatl him out of school cuz he would run :<
(although that wouldnt be much of a challenge cuz he runs like a gorilla)
So buy a banana and give to him,and he will be your friend. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
i got enough friends :D
but it might work though :p
18 ( 12 April 1990 )
the "being scared"-part was ironic
jezix didnt get it
oh oki doki. so now ur gonna beat up some1 half ur size?
he's already nearly bursting in tears when facing a camera so it shouldn't be hard for you
Normally I would go for the slow and painful approach, but considering his intentions and the way he looks he will be a cheap fighter. That means he'll probably have his friends help him, which eliminates the use of for example, a baseball bat. They will have taken it away from you before you successfully murder him. My personal favourite is to rape his - preferably younger - sister. Any brother would rage if he found out a complete stranger took his sisters cherry with one quick stroke. Only imagining her cringe and moan while you forcefully make love to her would make his mind go blank. Her delicious flat chest, her silky brown hair, beautiful green eyes, wonderfully undeveloped hips- oh wait, what were we talking about again? I'm sure it had something to do with using bats and little sisters, oh well..
his friends did actually threaten me! :D but theyre even more pathetic
I totally agree.
doesnt take a sherlock to guess who you are
Takes more than just xfire admins to figure that out I can tell you that.
Well it looks like you're the bully here. Poor guy has probably had enough of your bullying and aims for revenge. And you come here to post a picture of him and laugh. Shame on you...
be smart no hero !
fight dirty :O)
pick up heacy stones and throw at him !
or sand
or dirt
what ever you find !
Lol jew fighting methodes are weird.
i really had to xDDDD on this :DDD
its you or him !
In europe people don't tend to own Kalashniknovs / or use them in fights :(
ffs , fighting with "guys" like that is just waste of time!
good luck
Make sure u hit his balls good, then he will bend over and u give him a kick in the face! (on his nose prefered).

But if he has some friends with him : tell he's a pussy that he can't fight alone and then he will :XD

act gangsta he wont even start it
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