game piracy at an end?

ok, well, TUROK came out on torrents yesterday. remake and updated of an old classic, looks real good too. thing is, no-one is downloading it. why? its 12.52 gigs! all the users that use private / ratio important torrent sites just dont want to destroy their ratios as seeding 12.52 gigs back, unless your upload speed is great, will take longer than completing the damn game :P is this the way to stop bandwidth restricted gamers downloading games?
Get a proper fucking connection then 12 gb is okay.
you just saved the internet with this incredible advice
When do i recive my prize? i want a jar of cookies for this superb tips.
well, in the uk, the average upload speed on a 20 meg connection is something like : 110 kbs :<
i lold sucha "western"-country :DD
maybe TUROK sucks ass

looks decent tbh. and the original was a classic :D
Turok <3
oh...back from school :D
Kevlar's profile pic scares me tbh =D
rapidshare is the future
ofc 12 gigs @ rapidshare without an account would be like. hmm... 100 days dl time?
RatioMaster <3
word bro !
but ppl must know how to use it !
if it has downloaders, its like 2 nights to upload it fully.
i have too much respect for game developers to "steal" their product.

if i know its a good game ill buy it. If i dont think it is i dont :)

movies are different...
You cant always know if a movie is gonna be good or not :P
lol piracy is not a theaft
the games price is a theaft !!!

xbox360 or ps3 games cost in israel more then fucking 100$ !
and pc games cost more then 50$

so why should i pay those large amount of money when i can get them for free?
if they cost less then i wont have a problem pay for them.
well you can't play online if you don't buy them.

and 100 $ for a console can't be true even here they are 50 € which is around 75 $. I don't think the games are more expensive in Israel then in Europe.

And if they are so expensive just import them ;)
belive me
if i recall the tax on cars is 100%!!!
you pay twice for a car.
thats why lets say car cost here 100,000NIS when you can buy the same car for 10,000$ in USA
beside import cost more =)

and for the console game im right cuz console game cost around 400-500+ NIS and this is more then 100$ :p
and dont worry in Israel we already cracked the xbox360 and ps3 :O)
The PS3 isn't cracked yet ;)

xbox360 modding is ezbash

but importing console games should eb cheaper then buying them in Israel, they are around 60 $ in the USA and they don't ask more then 15 $ for sending them to ur home.

And cars in the USA are just cheap, if I buy a car here for 40.000 € ( 60.000 $) it costs around 25.000 - 30.000 $ in the USA.
well i know my friends play ps3 online with games they download =(
you prolly right about the game but still its hard to import them to israel :p
it takes time =(
so they also own a blu-ray disc burner?
i have no idea soz =(
well PS3 games are on blu-ray disc so if they don't own a burner for blu-ray disc they can't play downloaded PS3 games :P
now im not sure but i think the connect a cable or something, or yes they burn.
but again i have no idea =(
Why pay for a book or food when you can just get it for free? All you gotta do is hide it beneath your coat, walk out of the store and don't get caught...
its different ofcurse !
games are privilege
i dont care to pay for games but i do care when its alot !
clothes on the other hand are cheap, expansive clothes like armani and stuff :p
well this you can steal ^_^
You pirate scum
torrents and ratio is just rofl anyway.
get some hit'n'runners to get the train going.
just dont give a shit about ratio and dont seed it back :P
that's why some better torrents have freeleech ;)
binaries are awesome no shitty ratio's to worry about :o)
all the big titles like that are available through public trackers, thus there are no ratio limits to stop you. also, lol at bandwidth limits. I guess my connection will be the only thing I'll miss when I move next year.
lol rapidshare np, tho its gonna take a while with my connection =/
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