Absolutely Disgraceful..

Upon settling into my nice cosy sofa-chair after returning home from a long day at work, I thought I would relax and spectate an ETTV match in which one of my friends was playing. So I connected up only to have wasted almost an hour of my time because one of the teams was complaining that the opposition did not have a player on their roster page. So after all the senseless whining, they received a forfeit win.

I for one, think that is just absolutely pathetic. What are you playing this game for? You want a win so you can add it on your little profile as an achievement to increase your e-peen? You would rather take forfeit wins throughout a tournament rather than earn your victories?

Really .. what is this game becoming.. just retards everywhere these days. Was under the impression that it was just a pub thing, but the competitive scene is just as bad.

image: epeen
You have failed Simon!
Rules are rules I guess, maybe they could have reshedule the match instead of the forfeit win ?
Its just another form of competitive gaming. Sportmanship? Maybe not. Smart? Yes. Some teams do everything to make it, its not retarded imo.
It's retarded, because they are so involved into the game. This game is everything to those kind of people that don't want to play games, but just want to win by any means necessary..
they win this match = they will play at least 2 ec matches more.
they lose this match = they wont play ec anymore this season.
so if you say that they dont want to play but win, you failed.
IDD, it is realy fucked up.
If the opponent can't follow the rules, they shouldn't be playing at all!
I rather get a forfeit win than loose to a team which uses mercs in official wars, quite simple.

"But he has been playing with us for 15 year!", ffs add him to the clan then. IN TIME!

Ofc they should try to reschedule the war if possible, but when opponent tries to use wrong guy on purpose, why should the other clan act politely against them?

image: puddlestomper
Yup but the funny thing is that no mercs were being used. It was just because one of the players had forgot to add himself to the roster :-)
It's not up the the player its up to the clan leader to add them true there cb account, Its like what the 3rd match week to, why is it so hard to add someone to the lineup? you even get an email before the game with the allowed player list.
I still think a forfeit win is way too extreme, a reschedule would make more sense..
nice picsteal =d
Did I steal it? I thought it was "new", saw it on a finnish site.

I repent, forgive me oh you superior russian overlord!
i posted it already :'[
Forfeit is the worst way to win or lose a game.
Nice. This happens even @ OC 3v3 4th ... unbelievable
OC 4th division - serious business
if the player wasn't on APL, they had all the right to whine, easy as
Well, I can easily get the point of not allowing some merc to play in OC 2div and lower, because if opponent gets some highskilled player, he may make the difference.
But this is high skill level, using merc instead of normal player is a disadvantage for the team.

But in the end, the game was played or it was not? I can see 4-0 for cortana, but you are talking about forfeit?
Well im afraid to break the news et is kinda dead :DD
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