was out tonight then lost my friend (his mobile died of battery earlier so no point trying to find/cal him) soooooooo i spoke with randoms and got lost took a photo;

image: 25042008083oo5

ok they all seem to be ugly, i had beer gogles on @_@ heheeh. and i look eww :<

anyways find my way around the city got to train station, saw my train was coming in 1 minutes so i RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN down the elevators was about all together 4 flights of stairs i think........... and wow i got the train!!! but it was the wrong one :<

so i got off next station waited for a bit and got the correct train. called my dad and said dad can you pick me up at 730 when the train arrives at the station he said ok.

anways i fell asleep on the train, heard my phone ring 2 times buy i was dreaming :< wake up in whoop whoop station with 2 missed phone calls from my dad lol, called me he said umm where are you, i said, umm whoop whooop staiton lol hehehe...

he goes, well fuck you i'm going home, find your own way home, so yeah here is me @ home over an hour later :< :< :<

but now it's time to sleep :D:D:D:D:D
kad powaaaaah
wahahahaha :DDDD:D:D:ddD:d:d i can imagen your drunk skillz are epiccccccccc
i'm not really that drunk ^_^

had a nice little 20min sleep on train :D:D:D:

POWERNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 hehehe

had hungry jacks / burger king aswell before i left the city hehehe
:( burger king is awwsome damn you :'(
going to go to sleep, got to wake up sometime this afternoon and go out :< gf will kill me if i don't go to her house :<
hf bring her burger king or random women. both work
Although hungry jacks is pretty much burger king, please don't put it in the same sentence. Hungry jacks fucking owns. Lush free refils on cheery pop with a large fries before heading out to the jetti for a dive or a skate
<3 aussie powah
i thought burger king is what they called hungry jacks overseas :O

dunno lol

it's definatly hungry jacks in AUS
Yeah, it supposed to be. But the ingrediants/cooking style seem way different. I ate hungry jacks all the time, but I don't eat burger king over here :D
If only the picture was a little bigger ;)
awful ugly girls :X
Pictures are good to remember stuff you forgot ^^
Quoteand i look eww :<

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