
was your first time ever on the so-called 'Internet'?

Mine was on 02/02/1997 :D my mom just pulled out old photos where like the whole famíly is in front of the pc and wonders what it is :DDD

Random np: Alex C feat. Y-Ass - Doktorspiele

Random uhlalala: Uh lalala
Don't remember anymore
my first I-Net Call 1994 with 28.8 k Modem
wow :D did google exist already back then? :D
google ? ^^

AOL 3.1 i think but not sure maybe 3.0 :<
15/04/08 :)
welcome to 2008
ask perfo or use google everytime you need to ask something
the good old 56k "where you had watch pics of porn that would load from top till bottom only to find out it was a shemale" days :D
well tbh its from top right or left cant remmember to the other side =(

image: funny-pictures-mom-dad-surprised-cat
Maybe in china h3h3 but not in germany :P!

my joke failed, thought you said sideways :D
nope, straight from top to bottom.
its from the top side and so on
1998 or 1999

oh first time? Well thats even earlier
dunno the date but i know i know the price was 40 BEF (1euro) for an hour
1997, my mom allowed me 30 minutes a day on the internet cuz of costs, so every day I would go on the internet with my 56k modem, start up napster, and download a song (which took about 30 minutes most of the times ^^).

I can still repeat that whole fax-sound in my head from connecting to the internet every time :P

Also we had netscape back then, and windows 95 (love those old midi songs, + I think the game Hover, although I'm not sure wether that was 95 or 982ndEdition)
feb of 2004
probably somewhere around 2001/2002, don't really remember

I bought my first PC in 2003
whats wif ur womputer?
around 2001-2002 isdn!..
hmm, 1995. at that time we had Windows 3.1 on a 16mhz computer. then my dad got 200mhz computer for work, yet soon after it was mine as my dad never learned how to use it. 4gb harddrive which some retard had divided into 6 different partitions or so, couldnt really install any big stuff as each partition was like less than 1gb and no, I didnt know how to format it back then. we bought 13gb harddrive for it soon after though. it cost somewhat around 1000 markkaa, which was around 200 euros or so. I feel nostalgic when thinking about it.
around 1999, i had internet when i was around 7 yrs old <3 lol
2003 i guess

ps : are you back?
orly? :DDD yes naablet
dats noice!
2004/05 :O?
around 98 99 , modem 56 k connection :D
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