exam passed

et voila, here I am again :D

1 hour ago, I was writing my final exam, as I promised, in english and it was w0nd33333rful!
wrote circa 700 words (basic course) about the topic "green wedding"

green wedding is smth about live in harmony with nature blabla :D
had to analyse, summarise and comment on :)

Does anybody else wrote some stuff like that today?
who givez a fukc o$$i
just came bakk from zeh meal :<
QuoteKiLl3rBoY<3sol on 25/04/08, 11:36:19 PM | Reply

no thank gosd
doesnt look like an exam to me, was it for school or for greenpeace?
for the sake of belgians
gratz! :D
maths was quite fine too.
stochastic was easy (except for the the last fucking exercise, hypothesis testing, actually that's what i knew best in maths, now i fucked it up), analysis was quite easy too (except for like 2 exercises, but only like 3pt. each), geometry wasn't perfect but ok too.

how do you know that you have passed btw? ok i guess like everyone will pass it in the end - with better or worse grades - but still you dont know yet afaik =)
don't know if I passed or not, but 5 points at least, good feeling etc :D
In your reallife nick is olo you easly passed :E
Congrats w0nd3r :)

See what an early night can do for you :D
english,german and history already passed :s
my last exam is religion ( :D jeah its true^^) and my oral exam is bio :s
its just unfair .. we in lower saxony got 5 exams -.-
most other federal states got only 4 ...
not even having a central abitur (i even heard from ppl who moved to hessen for example that it's so much easier than in bayern) and talking about fairness!! ;)
well i live in nrw but my school is in lower saxony and i am able to see the differences.. both states got the central abitur, but in nrw it is so much easier..
theyve got just 4 exams and at least four klausur suggestions in every exam.. we got only 2..
pure injustice imo
I got my final writing exam tomorrow, wish me luck!
green wedding? like smoking ganja on ur wedding?
i wrote doen thermodynamics and gasdynamics :<
oral exam on thuesday
gratz <3
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