my friend gay???

i just made a strange discovery. its a pic of one of my friends (the left guy). but its pretty strange and the stuff you see in the background.. WTF?

help me please

image: 1-46e5438eb8bda2867752fde2cdbd2bcf
are you the right guy? very strange indeed..
i rly dont have nothing to say O_O

image: 7nufzz5k


all turks got a black dick? :/
no its yellow with black spots
gayparty :DDDDDDDDDD
mhm, a friend ..... :D
Hahaha busted!
gay party or what ? ;P
I have read that guys, who don't know yet that they are gay, are looking for gay friends. I guess ur coming-out will be soon.
LOOOOOL..pic says it all
sooo? He can do everything he want with his life.... just let him be gay....

this moment is epic

you should use it as a chantage against him :D
Mission: destroy the AIDSmakers.

Your friend should have used some of the party bottles and carry out the justice!
why destroy the monkeys? :<
monkeys cant help they spread aids :<
We need the Boston Saints.
ok =D
no women in the picture=gay party fo sho !
"silly<3sol" I wonder why...
there are things you should share with crossfire, there are things you shouldn't.
BUSTED !!!!!!
better watch out next time in the showers
In Holland they inject you with AIDS after drugging you on such partys.
Ye, and crime is only done by foreigner.

pretty obvious that he's gay
damn gayl0rds @_@
Its gay imo, all he wants is to get pm'd from gay crossfire people ...
you call yourself his friend?! i hope you ve got only few friends or none.
AIDS: Anally Infected Deadly Sentence (M.O.D)
help with what? if he´s gay, he´s gay, and?
Because it aint natural.
aha .. so not true ^^ there are gay animals as well
But it still aint natural. If it would be natural, all those homos could make babies etc.
oh lol ... it is natural, it is no disease, u cant change someones sexuality, so why not accept it simply and leave him be as he is omg
It IS a disease that will eventually destroy this mankind. Amen.
destroy mankind? omg lol .. what a bullshit rofl :D
Yes, thats true. In my country everyone wearing a red shirt or is a gay will be executed.
Hater ^^ a bit more tolerance pls
Im a bit annoyed because i had to wrestle with polarbears just a minute ago. Those bastards just doesnt honor other peoples privacy.
loled howmany mankinds do you know? ~~
Shys, go spread aids or something.
its natural in the sense of --> when it gets to crowded populations (read: part of) turn gay! Atleast in the animal hence its probably the same for humans (read: most retarted animals of all).
Write that in english so i can understand it.
I had no problems to understand him.
reading the reply to me above, i aint gonna bother trying to explain.

Although i must admit that correcting mistakes is low aswell. But aye you asked for it.
Again i diidnt fully understand what you tried to say here. Maybe its just me
You seem mentally challenged thats why i'm not gonna try.
No, im not mentally challenged. But the way you try to express yourself here makes my brains flip. But the point that you think homos are ok shows that you are the one here mentally challenged. Thats why i cant understand you.
but they are ^^ They cant change it anyway, even if they wanted
Yes they can. Have you seen the movie "Clockwork orange" ? There is a good method that could be used to homos.
Then ur informed wrong. U cant change homosexuality. Ur sexual preferences are mostly fixed at baby-age ~ homosexuality included. Why u become homosexual or heterosexual is not researched yet, but it has nothing to do with education. Researchers think it has to do with hormons during pregnancy, when I remember right.
Now that i call bullshit.
ur simply not informed well :D
first of all: i do not aprove or reject homo's.

I was saying that homosexuality is a way for the animal kingdom to stop over populating.

mentally challenged explanation:

When there are to many monkeys on a small island. Some turn gay to stop making new monkeys. (ask your biology teacher if your not familiar with this)

So that way no new monkeys come and push the other monkeys in the sea.
Nice, first sentance that was understandable. (Didin't even have to read the retarded section)

To the point, so people just magically turn into homos when they smell that there is too many people in earth. Right..

And what Evilynn said could be a reason how this actually happens. Hormone levels change when you are packed in a can like sardines. So this could result in a "gay" baby. Ofcourse this is probably not the only reason for homosexuality.

ps: another example of this is: i think some rat like animals actually jump of a cliff to "spread out" and look for new territories when it gets to crowded.
Quotehelp with what? if he´s gay, he´s gay, and?

omg, never though xfire was gay, now thats shit
no doubt.
"help with what? if he´s gay, he´s gay, and?"
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