Red bull gives you ...

wings heart attacks.

A man from the UK suffered from a heart attack after drinking too much red bull. He was an employee at Tesco's and always drank 3-4 cans throughout his shift.

Unexpected. It's not new that RedBull has different effects on different people. My heart starts beating quite fast after around 3-6. So I stay away from that shiat! :p
I'm not totally wrong if I say that in the can it says "drink max 2 of these in a day"?
how do you see in the can to read it?
Always get headaches after drinking that shit. I made bad experiences in combination with vodka.
lol a friend of my get really hyperactive if he drinks 1/2 can, he was even calling his girlfriend names and after 2 hours he didn't even know how he acted.

Red Bull is just drugs imho but it has no effect on me :(
R.I.P. United Kingdom Wakizashi

We will always cary you and dragonforce in our hearts.
rellentless x1000 better than that urine

I drink like 2 - 3 cans every day , since some years and np
Just wait untill you're 30.
Will I die ? noes :(

np i got 14 years left
What will happen then? Not a fucking thing. We should put more effort on making fat people know how they are killing themselves and costing everyone else billions of money every year.
I doubt drinking 3 redbulls every day for 20 years is good for your health.
Maybe it depends of peoples ?
Perhaps you're right, for some people it might extend their lives for about 10 years!
it will become a addiction only I think, then it would be bad if he doesn't drink them
nice ironie. :D
where do you see ironie ;( ?
Are you rich? Because redbull is really expensive oO

And redbull is "new"... :(
redbull isnt "new" here , its like 2€ for a can so np :)
6€ per day for a 16 y/o student :D

PS: Yeah, forgot you were living in Belgium xD
maybe not everyday but easy each 1 - 2 days :)
unexpected! o_O
Red Bull is one of the worst things you can drink on a regular basis. All you have to do is read the can and look at the RDA of each of the ingredients.
Sure you did.
It probably was 0,2dl bottle
R.I.P dave we loved you dearly mate!!
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