pc question 2

Gonna buy a new pc ..
should I take this?
I still have a case / HDD / optical drives / windows

I don't want to spend 100 euros more just cause it would be a tiny bit better .. I just need to know if this pc would be alright to play ET / CoD4 with

http://forcom.be/?product=301799 79,25 euro
Asus P5N-E SLI,s775,2xPCIe ATX,n650i,DDR2,Glan,SATA,RAID,

http://forcom.be/?product=302326 169,00 euro
Intel Core2 Duo E8400 3.00GHz 6MB Boxed

http://forcom.be/?product=300800 2 x 15,50 = 31,00 euro
V-Data DDR2 1GB 800MHz PC6400

http://forcom.be/?product=302602 68,20 euro
Coolermaster voeding Real Power M520 ATX, 520W

http://forcom.be/?product=302960 149,00 euro
Gigabyte 9600GT 512MB (DDR3/2xDVI/HDTV)

= 496,45 euro
Gigabyte 9600GT 512MB -> 8800GT / 8800GTS 512
Get better RAM?
If you dont overclock it, random RAM is acceptable.
ye that's it, just want to play with a decent pc, don't need an uberpc, can't afford it anyway :P
Same here, I just will upgrade my processor, since I made the failure to buy a 2Ghz Dualcore (What is useless for ET) instead of a 3GHz Singlecore. :(

Your system should be fine for ET & CoD4, aswell for all new games on a decent graphic level. :)
make a new post when you bought it!
Personally I would buy a better mobo, "brand-memory" (kingston, corsair, GEIL, OCZ, all of them are pretty good) + go for the 8800 GT :)
OCZ and Corsair > others
Well, I have only bought Kingston memory which worked very well... the OCZ memory I bought for my new comp was incompatible with my setup in some suspicious way.. so I can't really jugde it.. GEIL is also pretty good :>
actually I dunno about GEIL :D but as far as I have done research about these due to my plan to buy new pc.. all test have shown that Corsair is number one and then OCZ .. I mean test where these two have been :P and overclockers always use corsair tho :D
Overclocking is not my cup of tea.. so :p.
Crucial > Corsair - G.Skill - OCZ
wait for e8500! XD
I won't wait, so that's not possible
I was just kidding, cos whenever i saw these kind of journals someone tells him to wait for something :(
e8500 is almost the same, but it costs a lot more
God damn, didnt know that!
that's why i told ya
8800GT = 159€
Q6600 = 189€ or E8400
Gigabyte P35C-DS3R = 93€
2Gb Corsair XMS = 40€
PSU : Corsair will be better tbh.
why for fuck sake , would he buy a Q6600 for ET/cod4 ?
ET only supports single core and cod4 single and duel. So he would pay more , for a cpu which perfoms a lot less
Processor is not expensive and you can reach 4Ghz so np for games.
But it's better for encoding / moviemaking.

It's just my point of view.
euhm.. from 2.4 ghz to 4.0 ghz, is very hard withou good cooling. I don't even know if it's possible
It's possible but yes with a good cooling (GeminII + 2 Noctua NF-P12 for me)

And what about E8200 ?
its almost the same price and the 8200= 2.66ghz and the 8400=3.00
4Ghz with Q6600 is just pure luck. Not many Q6600 can reach that for 24/7. I had 1,6V on my Q6600 and it didnt reach 4Ghz with good watercooling. Its just the batch that matters.
Rev B3 or G0 ?
G0 ofc
But i got Intel Xeon X3360 now ( same as Q9550 ) It sucks that those got FSB walls :(
And next week my 9800GX2 is comming <3
P5K(-E)(if you need wifi)
Memory is ok if you dont overclock
8800GT (or 9600GT if you cant offerd it)
looks very nice already
nice playing with cheaters
ask spiroze
I would spend a bit more money on the ram. For not that much more money you could get some OCZ or geil ram and the performance and compatibility is likely to be better. Just check the ram timings and look for some nicely priced 4-4-4-12 geil ram and you will have a very nice system at a good price. With low budget ram you usually get what you pay for. Also maybe spend some money on a CPU cooler. Worth the money and a very cheap and easy to install, and your system will run very nicely.
Thats Bad motherboard

Take a motherboard with P35 or X38 Chipset.
nvidia chipsets just suck for Intel, too hot, too unstable. And they use alot of power. And SLI is useless. And the SLI motherboard of your choice is old and outdated. If you really want an SLI motherboard take this one.http://tweakers.net/pricewatch/172130/msi-p7n-sli-platinum.html
And maybe take 2x2GB memory. Memory is cheap anyway.

8800GT > 9600GT
4 GIG = bullshit
they said the same about 1MB some years ago when there where computers with 640KB... Its not useless. There are also alot of ppl that use 8GB because memory is so cheap. For myself i rly need 4GB.
quite nice
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