Hewlett Packerd


Welcome to my whinejournal. Two days ago my parents bought a new printer from HP. When I want over to play some offis (my pc blew up three days ago) I saw this huge box unpacked and decided to install that shizzle.

So what did I do. I unpacked the whole thing, put in the inktcartridges and cables. Next I put in the driver CD and launch the install.

So here comes the whine part. I grew up with plug and play. I never ever read manuals and I'm not about to start doing so cause i need to install some random printer. So if you ever think about buying a HP printer: don't. I repeat: DO NOT. Nein. Bad doggy.

Basicly if you install the printer with the cable connected you will never get it working unless you format windows. So far I tried using some of the HP driver scrubbers, system restores and half an hour of googling. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit, I just want to install a bloody printer. Didnt knew you had to be Einstein these days to get it working.

Epic message of this journal: dont buy HP. Hp is teh suck.

Grandmaster of Fail.
post some random picture and give the admins some moderating to do!
tell people to buy it, and then flame at their whine!
plz add me to your buddy list. I feel we have a connection here.
plz somebody care. or just flame me
care, flame
i stealed big amaunt of HP printers from people house's,and never have problem whit them !
have to often install hp printers at work, had no problems yet :<
Quote by FailinatorDidnt knew you had to be Einstein these days to get it working.

image: fry-see-what-you-did-there-scaled
Quote by Failinatorplz somebody care. or just flame me

ok you rly dont have to be Einstein to get it work, but you have to be the opposit of mentally chalange to get it to work =/
its only a printer, plug it and instell drivers you noob =D
i have 2 hp printers, rly only plug and instell :p
plox, theres this huge warning on the manual: do not plug in usb cable before install :'(

which retards makes these printers
I can reply to this but not with anything particularly helpful!
omg you are right
but when i plug it i recall it told me to unplug it and instell drivers first xD
was to bussy spamming xfire. was just hitting the next button asap
You didnt knew that?
your name kinda says it all
It's Hewlett Packard :(
I got HP pc, it's awesome!!

you don't have to buy an etbot to come on an etbot list!
they will just set you on it for free!
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