#28 Online

not bad :|
somehow, i cant laugh about this.
uhhh ok worst one so far imo
That one sucked:/
/:dekcus eno tahT
dont get it
I'm gonna have to explain it then. Polish player falls of from very high place, lags out a bit - ends up in a mess waiting for medic. But with so many misplaced and broken bones he decides to ask for engineer. =(
i didnt laugh =X
very bad, just like the rest.
Why don't you like them?
i'm talking for him atm, but maybe the reason is because they're not funny for him? maybe? but that's so unreasonable you probably didn't even think of it!
I'd like more detailed feedback since i'm musician. It's just not enough to simply say "sucks".
well there isn't any more detailed feedback

it's supposed to be funny:

it's not funny - sucks
it is funny - good
people have diffrent types of humor, can't please them all
personally i think your comics aren't funny either, more sarcasm and be edgier or whatever
translate ''cry me a river'' in finnish plz:>
Itke minulle joki

It's not rly funny tbfh.
the idea of these comics is nice but I don't like them rly much :<
nice 1 :P
Your comics are horrible and not funny at all, please stop.
couldn't understand what that had to do with polish ppl.
not funny

most ones before that aren't funny either
yo shepherd, you know I like your comics, but this one really wasn't that great... it's quite obvious that your ideas and motivation have sunk. You should maybe have done something about this ETbot bust.
hehe :D
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