Windows XP SP3 News!

I don't know just how "secret" these details are but it is a concise and comprehensive, all in one place, article about the upcoming release.

Microsoft's Windows XP Service Pack 3, which as we know will be available for manual update on April 29, 2008. That's just a few days away!
uninstalled sp3 today :) accelfix dont works with sp3 :\
doh! beta's always have much crap in it :/
I used final version, duh!
how do you know I mean the feeling is different when you play?
Its the same :\ The only diference that i noticed is that it says SERVICE PACK 3 , nothing more :\
omgoat, are you drunk? :p

you said the accelfix doesn't works with sp3 so my question was how do you know?
ah. Not drunk xD just wokeup some mins ago. Though you was asking if the game feeling (with sp3) is diferent.

Anyway about your question, yes the feeling is diferent. I cant control my mouse with accelaration. But i noticed when i tried to apply the patch and it didnt ask to insert windows xp cd... I tried to apply again and it said "mouse accel is enabled" :| it just dont work
oki, thx :}
I think that you need to try another patch sir. Though, I dunno what its called cuse I'm not at home atm :P
There isnt any patch for sp3 yet as far i know
hmm the normal patch worked fine for me on the sp3 rc2

Edit: my "normal patch", dunno what its called since all of them are called "Mouse accel fix" but there is one bat-file called "Install" and one called "Uninstall"
I use acellfix.exe since ever. I tested at sp3 FINAL version
strange that they would have changed the mouse acceleration from RC2 to Final :)
I used both the one that you said and this one: and my accel is now gone @ the RC2-version.
accelfix.exe works on my sp3 final version, but the mouse feels like crap in game
try to run it again. You will see that the program will say "acellaration is: enabled" even if you reboot etc :\
Parent says disabled. However I slipstreamed SP3 into XP and formatted. Maybe accelfix doesn't work for you because you installed SP3 over an existing Windows installation. Also the fix isn't supposed to ask you to put your Windows disc in because aion/anir removed that popup to make it easier.

One thing I should mention is that aion/anir has left the Razer Blueprints forums and deleted all his posts. Nobody knows why. Hopefully he shows up soon because although accelfix.exe is getting applied properly on my Windows, sensitivity feels worse than it did on SP2 for some reason.
I installed windows xp sp2 and then applies the sp3 and rebooted.

Need to test again, later
Did you find out how to disable mouseaccel in sp3?
That is wcafix.sys, it is a different thing than accelfix.exe. They both do the same thing but the one you have patches it in memory. It feels worse to me and I play a lot better with accelfix.exe, at least I did until SP3 :/
wont work correctly on first release, u should w8 some thousand of years to use it :P
cya bitch g2g school :P
true you must wait some weeks/month before you can use it an all bugs are solved
SP3 for 64bit XP please.

image: pc
wont work properly first and 2nd i dont have enough free space for that shit!
thatsthe final version?
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