what is happening to our country? :(

those fuckers from the ministry of healthcare have decided that magic mushrooms will be added to the list of forbidden drugs :@
all because some retarded tourists didnt follow the advice which is given when you buy them.
a big loss for the reputation of our beloved drug capital of the world.

good news:
this rule will be added in a couple of weeks so we still have some time left to have fun! \o/

source (sorry its Dutch):

random (kinda related) pic
image: 1up
you read pretty damn fast...mr spam :)
bazen van de onderwereld.
whoosh whoosh whoosh
i bet travel back in time to post hyperfast comments!
oh noes =*
i hope they wont forbidden your space cookies !
kanker health care
image: funny-pictures-kitten-rwar
oh noes! :(
fuck :S so my trip in my summer holidays is fucked up ...
smartshop owners say its very easy to grow them yourself (no installations needed like weed) so probably np problem get a hold of them in amsterdam
there are enough negros next to the coffeeshops who sell them anyways :D
Don't say that about overschie, cops are spying image: t666
he wouldnt be image: Amused
overschie = weed only ;) !
magic mushrooms are illegal here too but every1 takes them :D
186k miles per second? :O
Just about every sane person knows that forbidding mushrooms is going to cause problems. Criminals will start selling it (which is bad because then, especially tourists, won't know exactly what they're getting), people will go into forests to harvest their own mushrooms (there are mushrooms that look exactly like the hallucinogenic, but are infact deadly) etc. I can only see this going the wrong way :(

Edit: But ofcourse you can just order a growkit at azarius and grow them yourself <3
totally agree
Agree, or you can come to the lovely valleys in Wales and pick your own (just don't get caught) image: t666
thats like 12938472359873894329847298347298473293487985247 hits per minute on your keyboard if im correct.
NP as long as http://spores101.com/ is here :)
Mario is also allowed to take them!
WTF whit NL :<<<
wtf kankerzooi paddos rox :<
In iceland they grow in several places just outside the "city" limits

Oh and also right next to one of the largest "free way's" people look at you like you're retarded when you're picking there, next to the freeway :D, oh and the cops look at you like you're a criminal..
drugs are the only reason to visit .nl...damn boring country otherwise -.-
I'll give you two words:

Christian government.
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