bio fux0r3d?
27 Apr 2008, 12:46
Someone changed the config? or it changed automaticly? :P
stupid maps played 3 times, and now on goldrush 40 minutes each round, and axis 20 seconds spawn? :S
stupid maps played 3 times, and now on goldrush 40 minutes each round, and axis 20 seconds spawn? :S
..playing on Fragland. :)
only sometimes on cybergays to pwn some nubs as a warmup before scrimming xD eLemenT'WarLike
Just need a bit patience to fill up. :|
do wake up..
Last reply to u, just grow up and learn that it's childish to try to provocate with every comment u state.
And don't forget who started all this, I never said anything against you.
Your'e a total waste of fucking space, and its you alone thats taken this problem further.
..playing on Cybergames.
..quitting ET.
...u|k public server