Vent / Mic Probs o:

well im having some probs with vent & mic after my last format (changed back from vista to Xp \o/)

after a few mins on ventrilo my mic gets fucked and when i talk / push the push to talk button, the others only hear HGHGHGHGHGHHGH!!H!H!GH!G!!!! and get earcancer

i have this prob only @ vent and not on ts or smth

i tried my old mic but i had the same problem

i reinstalled ventrilo & sound drivers & updated them but that didnt help also

i also tried to change some vent settings after the earcancer sounds appears but the sound was coming back

i hope you can help me with my problem! thnx in advance


image: ventrilowx0
meh dont mess with things like that! ;< hi2u btw :DD

i rly recognize ure sherlock skillz here
willey o:
Uncheck 'Use Directinput to detect Hotkey'
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