such a beautiful day

Worse luck plz :<

It is such a beautiful day here in vienna... 20 degrees airtemperature... sun is shining, not even one cloud visible...
looking out my window i can see children playing football, some girls are sitting in the lawn taking a sunbath...
birds are singing... what do u want more?

i m sitting here working through 300 pages of a thermodynamic presentation... studiing already 3 hours... :<

i ve got physics 1 exam on thuesday...

fucking shit i m pissed :<

in 2 hours some friends are coming here... at least a light at the end of the tunnle..

my gf just went for some icecream...

now i m wondering why 446 people are online? :D
what are u doing guys?

yours sincerely v1ech
preparing for 2 days trip 2morrow
exactly 22,1°C over here (Germany -> Saxony -> Dresden)
im palying ETET while having all my windows open to take some kinda sunbath :DD
2 degreece + snowrain here
same situation here ..
on monday ->last exam :s
gl :>
the only thing is that ive got another test tomorrow in a lva, i totally missed the last 2 weeks cuz of learning for the upcoming exam...

thank god i have already had some points on the last 2 tests...
lets see what monday brings :>
true.. lets see what it will bring to us ;)

cloudy, no sun, still like 18° :/
i have just wokeup :d
who the hell opens his curtains during the day! :/
im leaving for Madrid tomorrow :D <3
dunno studying private law, fucking boring
:D i know that
my gf studys jura and that was the part she hated 2themax
yes but having that shit in french is twice as broing as havin it in his mother-tongue
programme website for #frag-theatre, but doin a break now, enjoying the sun :D
here is no sun and 15 C°...atleast its not raining =)
Just woke up. I'll finish getting dressed and then head out to get a newspaper. I haven't really got much to do this week, work wise. I'll probably come back and start writing some more of my short story, or read some more of the book I've to read (Jeanette Wintersun - The PowerBook).
20 C° here in slovenia(ljubljana) its fucking nice, i have been in nearest park with my motor and than driving around lil bit, came home for some meal and than i will soon go out again :)
its quite cloudy here but not rly cold, the problem is i have a huge hangover :<
I share your pain. and everyday is sunny here, so I feel the pain even more!
went cycling 40km or so but its always exhausting in spring. gotta do more in winters :x
weather here isn't as good as yesterday.
same here. got to go to work in about 1 hour. I still got a shitload to do (mechanics, analysis,...) and am wasting all my time checking out teh internets instead. glZ for your exam.
its a lazy day today, sitting outside in the garden most of the time
and xfire ofc^^
Feeling like shit and unable to do anything cool, otherwise than that everythings fine and Im listening to music and talking shit with my mate TONI
nice yesterday, not so nice today

go and read outside btw
working through the presentations online

dont wanna print 300 pages tbh
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