waffles.fm invite?

how to get an invite to a private torrentsite?

i just saw on btjunkie.org that waffles "hosts" some albums i like to have, but you have to be member to download them. How can i get an invite? i dont know anyone who is member over there so that gets kinda difficult ;(

Any of you guys on that website who can give me an invite? would be veeeery nice

for free? Now wai!
sorry, i dont use waffles as much as what.cd so don't have any spare invites left
i want to see duroh getting raped :(
ah do you have a invite for what.cd? I came across that one also! Would be very nice
havent got any right now :o(
gimme invite for what.cd, I have some invites for some sites, pm if you need any, I'll see if I have
what albums did you want anyway?
Felix Kröcher – Connected
Polder – Poldermodel
Blue Flamingo – 78 r.p.m
Man Man – Rabbit Habits
Kettel – Myam James Part 1
Valet – Naked Acid
Noze – Songs on the rocks
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