ETTV on server

How do you add ETTV slots to a private server (x3m) got ftp acces.
danL is your solution!
you need shell access, bibuy.
you will need to replace the ET.x86 and the etded.x86 with the ettv.x86 etc. and then relaunch the serv with ETTV.

You will need ssh-login to do so.
set b_ettv_flags "3"
set ettv_password "xxx"
set ettv_sv_maxslaves "xxxxx"
//set ettv_netblast "2"

something something:D
download ettvd, change et to ettv etc, and start server with ettv.x86 file instead f et.x86, in config you need to set ettv password etc. then you just connect ettv server to your private server , need ssh-login
use this tutorial
I remember like 2 or 3 years ago had x3m server and I did start it with ettv mod having ftp access only . ? .
I got called a Lazio wannabe couple of months ago :/
you are :<

btw gimme autograph
shell access.
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