Ordering stuff from usa

since its fucking xiip in us and a me satz and ginger where selecting some stuff but do we need to pay extra? taxes or whatever? or only the shipping costs?
eurotax 19% or smthn
In Finland you have to pay taxes for the stuff bought from another country (via mail I mean). The shitty thing the people at the customs don't know the actual prices of the purchased things, so they have to guess and sometimes they're wrong, big time. Some of the companies have a service that they send those items wrapped up as a present, because customs don't open presents (that's what I've heard). So check if the company has that service. Flame me, if I'm wrong.
depends on what u are going to buy (TARIC) + local sales tax afaik
shipping costs + taxes ?
better buy a cheap ticket, or contact a mate in US.
let them ship it as a "present", no tax only shipping
i think only up to 170$ or 175$ which isn't that much
tax + transport
Just pretend it's some kinda medication or pills that you need to survive and that's only available in the US.
u can pretend to be Peter Pan for all i care but cant see how that would affect anything
Great comment :D
if you order a shitload of stuff then its worth the shipping costs. but if you order like one or two, they will cost much less un the US but when shipping is added it will eventually cost more than what it does in europe.
Have to pay import duty into EU, unless the sender marks the item as a "gift" which then should let you avoid the tax.
Bought my snowboard from the USA but had to pay 28% exta costs. I read on the ebay forums it's not always the case only if you're a bit unlucky :)
It's also typical belgian thing because Dutch customs won't make such a big deal out of it so I would say you only will have to pay the shipping costs.

Got my snowboard bindings without any further cost (only 30$ shipment) and that saved me like 100 euros :)
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