earphones... recommendations?
28 Apr 2008, 19:52
just had a 2 hour tran journey home from my uni and found out that one of the earbuds on my current phones is fucked and just buzzes.
what are you recommendations for earphones preferably in-ear that are around £50/$100
what are you recommendations for earphones preferably in-ear that are around £50/$100
creative for smal budget
quality is nearly the same imo
best in any review
really amazing amount of (clear) bass for small in-ears
half or closed definitly akg!
theres one guy reviewing them saying the wiring isnt great but mine have been fine with no splitting or anything since november2006 and i use them everyday. really good sound, excellent bass, comfy
a++ recommend
£17.99 a bargain
ontopic, i think in ear headphones hardly ever show much difference, even the more expensive ones.
i've had a lot of different types but i can hardly say i favor any over the other
I have them for my Creative Zen and they are the best earphones I have had so far and they are not that expensive..
or buy CrossRoads http://www.anythingbutipod.com/archives/2008/01/crossroads-mylarone-x3i-xbi-review.php
they are said to be fucking good, they are quite cheap
but you have to order them in Singapore [free transport worldwide, shipment takes about 5 days, paypal only]
63$ afair
or akg324 [sth a lil bit better than senheiersereers mx300]
25-30 poundz
prices are polish ofc so they may differ a bit ;)
I have those and I love them, the do not fall out like regular in-ear headphones, because of the thingy that goes around your ear.