Great events...

... are often foreshadowed.

This year sadly two "holidays" collide on the 1st of May. And if that isn't already awful enough, our Chancelor, Mrs. Angela Merkel, will be awarded the Karlspreis 2008 on that day. I don't understand why... They say she's a great European. But she isn't even that tall, now is she?
But the tragedy doesn't even end there: The award winner always gives a speech one day before the "ceremony". So, on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Chancelor will give a speech in one of the bigger lecture rooms of my university. Like anyone in their right mind would want to listen to a speech of her.

Luckily 30/04/08 is the last day of April -> Mayday! Already looked out for livestreams, couldn't find anything tho. Hopefully the 1live logo on the Mayday webpage means that they're finally casting live from Mayday again.

In other news: I'll be on an excursion in two weeks. Somewhere around Munich, visiting Continental VDO Automotive (former Siemens VDO), MAN (hopefully MAN Diesel), Hyundai and some technical museum. We've ended up with that museum and Hyundai, because BMW and Audi had to cancel. From what I was told it sounded a lot like Audi didn't want to. !"§$%
Two years ago the same institute arranged an excursion to Ferrari. Must've been fun.

Another two weeks later I'll be in Belgium Lommel on the Ford test track. Seems like Ford pays for that one (I'm attending a lecture by Ford employees, "Praxis der Verbrennungsmotorenentwicklung in der Großserie").
Hopefully we're able to drive some nice cars. Should be fun.

Yours sincerely,
"Another two weeks later I'll be in Lommel on the Ford test track"

lol wtf i ll be there too for the kuga training.
kuga training?
I'll be there on the 29th.
I ll be there too on the 29 th for the new Ford kuga introduction and test drive + price analysis and shit.

image: 36638
Cool. Maybe that's why they chose that date for our excursion.
I think I've seen this car on the announcement for the excursion (besides other cars). Guess I need to further investigate that when the next lecture takes place on Wednesday. ;)
Seems like we get something exclusive. They'll have different cars. Among these cars will be a Mustang and a Shelby, but we won't be able to drive the Shelby since it's no production car (dunno about the Mustang).
just back from there ( i messed up with the date), was pretty fun, the test drive was nice, i also saw the new ka and the new fiesta while driving the kuga.
I shouldnt have given my phone :( no one checked so i could have taken some nice pictures and shit.
smoke bitches lalallalalalalalallaaaaaaa tralala
Lommel has a supermarket. That's about it :D
haha, nice read, HF
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