Bambina Orientalis



image: Bambina%20Orientalis%201_2

high quality: klick

i bought 2 male, and 2 female today: chines. Feuerbauchunken (sry, dunno the english name, cf must help)
"Paddock" is what i found for "unke" but its a Grimm´s tale xD
Those r no frogs, so they dont get on my nerves with noise...only some "uhuhuh"´s...that was when a male was f*** a female :)
So soon i´ll have little "tadpoles" (?)...interested people r welcome :)

i already love ´em...beside my chameleon:

more pics:
ugly like keNta :x
that was very very mean... Ò_Ó
the truth always hurts ô.ó
I find them cuuute :D
Nice =)

I keep wondering though what the fun is of having animals like that. Dogs and cats can give you love/friendship, but I think such amphibies barely know u exist :P
in fact dog, cats or birds give me illness (alergy)
my chameleon is a special one...usually a chameleon reacts agressive if u try to get him on ur hand...mine loves that...somehow a lil bit love :)
tbh. these "frogs" look cool somehow, but i really like all the fotos of the chameleon on your page. it somehow made me wanna have one too. this animal looks really great and so interesting.

but i have to agree to Rhand. nothing compared to cats (bah dogs sucks!!!) but tastes are different. :D
yoiu should have sticked to that chameleon

btw: when does it change its color? i see it changing somehow, but mostly keeps to be in green-tones..
Colors are chagend by emotions, afaik - dark color is fear or anger, light color is when it#s happy.
he changes the colour always!
most situations r clear, some not. changing to very dark colors if he´s in the sun (to increase his body temperature)...light colors if he feels warm enough. If he feels treatened, he makes himself as big as possible with his nicest colors: green, yellow, black, white, orange, dif. greens
mostly he trys to copy the area he is imo.

thats how it looks like when he feels threatened...imo the nicest colors:
Hm, so i had some wrong informations... nvmd.
Beautiful in any way!
haha nice! awesome camouflage-look xD
ye it looks intresting
the only reason why i should take animals like that, is if they are very poisonous so i can let my ennoying little brother play with...

i prefer cats, but gl with your new pets :)
not "very" poisonous...but they are...still searchin 4 someone who licks ´em! xD
lol is this the kind of toad that makes you trip balls when you lick em ? :D like homer in the simpsons
dunno exactly...i read its a skin poison which they only produce if they r in danger...the book says clean ur hands after touching ´em but nothin more
i had to catch em all took bout a minute and i felt sth like little burning not more :)
U give them names? Like kuranyi or Asamoah? :P
Cameleon = Ralphee (wasnt my idea he grew up 1/2 year at a friend...his girlfriend called him Ralphee)
so the new ones need names too

male: Long John Silver
2nd Bullfrog

female: Angelia
2nd ???
Curly Sue and Blackbeard ftw!
Bullfrog made the run for the 2nd male :)
I had a "Jemen Chamäleon" on my own - Schröder was the most interesting animal i've ever met :P
Had a gr8 time, too sad he died some years ago, was 'bout 6 years. *sigh*

Next time i'll buy some Avicularia Avicularia - or maybe a Matallica - spiders are more fascinating to me.

Those "Unken" aren#t my fav's - i'd prefer "Pfeilgiftfrösche", but they look quite interesting - wish u a good time with 'em. :)
Schröder is a nice name :)
My friend has such a spieder...dunno which kind exactly, some kind of Vogelspinne called "De-Bo"...snakes & spiders r the only ones i cannot live with...though they r very interesting

I prefer Preilgiftfrösche too...but as a beginner people told me to start with Bambinas...gimme two years and i got not only pfeilgiftfrösche additionally xD

btw in 2-3 monaten hab ich kaulquappen abzugeben...kostenlos natürlich ;)
Too bad - my wife would kill me - Bartagamen are the only tolerated species :/
awesome !
Germany frogg?
u sick pervert
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