Morning @#>=

Gotta go to work in 30 mins and you??

entertain me with some funny vidoes till time goes by
ololol didnt sleep \o/
If I were you, I wouldn't be so proud of it... unless it's cool to be a sleepless geek :--d
nah woke up around 15.00 yesterday so np
going to write an economics exam
goo0d morning im @ school atm and its sucks a loT!
free day
drinking coffee at home
i lost blood @ doctor :'( my days are now come, i gonna die .___. but @11.15 i have a driving lesson -.-'
I think he means that he has to make his exames in a few minutes... but yeah you're retarded to understand that. np m8

edit: nice edit at your comment killerboy :D you're so retarded
Actually I think he means he's going to sit an exam.
I think that spiroze meant that too :P
His flag explains everything.
I just came back from school c:
thinking of going to the barber
4 lessons and home <o/
lol oops i thought it was saturday since i got up, was like "wtf econmic exam on saturday?"
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