Since all the normal versions were out of stock! And we reservated it a bit too late in 2 stores we decided to buy the only special edition in this city

image: 4

*EDIT* The bag looks bigger on the picture than it is in real
n1 :D:D:D:D
i see people running in the street with huge boxes of GTA :'(

wtf freaks
i can wait
Arrived through post this morning for PS3, pre-ordered from :D

Awsome game :)

my copy is waiting for me at home and i'm still at work for 4 hours :(
Your work day will go even slower than normal then I think :(
What's so good about this game....?
Take a look at some of the vids - and you will see :)

Its not for everyone though, each to there own :)
It's new.
So every game thats new is good? ;)
its a new gta, that makes the difference
QuoteWhat's so good about this game....?

What I meant with it is that a new game get's hyped up very quick. The last GTA I've played didn't quite entertain me.
prolly because u have no emotions
check the reviews online for it, everyone i've seen so far has been 10/10 or 100/100 for it :O

the level of detail within the city and the people who live there is meant to be unbelievable, and the script/voice acting is apparently as good as any of the hollywood gangster flicks!

it's not as arcadey as past GTA's so the story mode will be a lot more involving, aswell as having the whole firing rockets at cops thing too - got to be on to a winner!
What do u get in SE?
ARGH im totally skint and the game costs a bomb :(
got it together with my 2 brothers :) So that makes it easier.
my brother is just as much of a bum as me so noooo chance! :'(
next week i get it + homealone + weed + friends \\\o///////
"this city"

where do you live?
when is release for PC?
yes it will, afaik ~ sept/oct.
hm, sooo long. sucks
yup, but thats just the information i got so far. but hey, at least it will release for the pc ;)
true, will be better than for consoles I dont like consoles except for Wii its fun
hm, well, i dont know, i personaly prefer the pc too. but the the grapic on the xbox360 for example with a decent tv/ ( hd ready) , or screen (DLI), is very good, at least, good enough to enjoy it in an actual graphic.

And if you compare sitting on your desk chair infront of your pc, or sitting on the couch, and play it with a pad, i would prefer the couch, if the game is nearly the same on both plattforms, and i think the only realy difference from the console version to te pc version is the range of view. and some minor graphic things.

cause you, got the same story,same,chars,same vocals,nearly the same gameplay.
Sports games and such are so much better on consoles imo, whereas I prefer to play FPS on PC.
rofl i downloaded the game like 7 days ago and i love moded xbox360.all new games will be downloaded before then it will come out to shops.i wont pay $$$ for for wasting ur money on games.
Are you still able to use xbox live?
Im thinking about modding mine but it would kinda suck if I get banned from live =(
as far as i know, ur not able to play with a modded X-box via X-box live
yes u are able but u need a cd for that to block few things but its secret how u do this ;) i havent get banned since dec 2007.
stupid noob. if everyone starts doing this how will they make more games? dont you think rockstar has earned their money by bringing out such a well made game?
yup, but some players probly want to play online too with their X-box.
thats pc version?
Yeah, that's why it reads PlayStation 3
im so jealous :(:(:(:
Just arrived in the post, time to go play it!
I got that one of my nubs okedudes
what did it cost ? :p
30 euro for my part :) didnt bought it alone :)
pretty hyped imo :D
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