I have done this once already , but its the time for new list!

The list will contain all MY downloaded:( movies which I started to download from the start of 2008, with description ofc, or more like spoilers.

And ye , to read decent english review , you can go to :D


1) Leaving Las Vegas [1995] - somekind of drama , 6/10 from me , don't like thouse kind of sad movies , but its worth to watch because of Nicolas Cage.
2) Hot Rod [2007] - a wannabe stuntman wants to do super trickjumps , but always fail. Ye it's a cheap comedy, 5/10 from me, didn't like it :[, all though it has some funny moments.
3) This is England [2006] - 8/10 , I really liked to story of this one and the ending , worth to watch imo (the movies is about skinheads in England).
4) Rescue Dawn [2006] - 7.5/10 very good movie about an American pilot which crashed on Vietnam's enemy territory and got cought by vietnamese(?) soldiers , worth to watch!
5) Rise of The Footsoldier [2007] - 9.5/10 from me! The story is really good about a guy getting into a notorious group of "seriousbusiness" people , don't wanna say more , because you neeeeed to watch it! Btw allmost main actors are from "Football Factory & Green Street Hooligans" movies!
6) The Mist [2007] - 5/10 somehow stupid movie with a weird ending , weird story = shit movie.
7) Lucky Number Slevin [2006] - 10/10 worth to watch because of good movie story and the 2 bestest (<3) actors out there , Bruce Willis and Josh Harentt!
8) The Butterfly Effect 1 & 2 - 8/10 ye , both parts are awesome and worth watching , don't wanna spoil it , but you need to know what causes the butterfly effect! ;>
9) No Country for Old Men [2007] - 7/10! worth watching , good movie , nice story about a big bag of cash!
10) National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets [2007] - very good "history" movie , with Nicolas Cage as main actor , i would say its a great movie! 9/10.
11) The Number 23 [2007] - 9/10 awesome movie when I see Jim Carrey in a serious roll , worth watching, and the movie is about a book with mysterious number 23...
12) The Jackal [1997] - 8.5/10 great action movie with Bruce Willies , you need to watch it! (And btw , what's the name of the song , when he started killing everyone + the russian majorgirl in the house?)
13) Flyboys [2006] - 7/10 , a movie about a group of United States of America randoms gathered up in France to learn to fly airplains, cool movie worth watching!
14) Rambo 4 [2007] - 6/10 , 60 y/o ramboboy raging everyone with his muscles and serious face , while being unhitable like a polak and aiming like mystic , worth watching one time if you like a real ACTION movie.
15) Pi [1998] - maybe im too young to understand , maybe too stupid :D , but I seriously didn't find any interest in that movie , allthough 7,5/10 rating , but 2/10 from me. The movie is about some genious jew with health problems trying to solve somekind of a Pi number that will unlock the universal patterns found in nature. Black/White movie , I think its worth watching mature people or whatsoever:s.
16) The Transporter 1 & 2 - 10/10 , REALLY good movie ! I suggest it to everyone , its even worth watching because of United Kingdom Jason Statham!
17) 21 grams [2003] - I have it in list , but I totally forgot whats it about :S. Check youtube about it , as far as I see it , its a good movie with alot of nominations and wins.
18) Cloverfield [2007] - 8.5/10 , I think everyone of us now have already watched the movie called Cloverfield , about a mysterious monster which came out of nowhere and was raging the city with unstoppable powers! Some of you maybe don't know , but g33ks from da intrawebs found some cool stuff about cloverfield ( try to find it via google , some blogs )
Youtube, satelite falling down (end): ->
19) Meet the Spartans [2008] - 6/10 roflol movie , copy of the original one , but with some edits :D.
20) Mr. Brooks [2007] - 9/10 just an awesome movie with a cool actor , as far as i remember its about a man who is controlled by his megakilling ego.
21) The Italian Job [2003] - 8/10 with Jason Statham , movie about moneystealing , backstabbing , paybacking. Worth!
22) The Bank job [2008] - 8/10 with Jason Statham, build on real story about bankrobbing , worth watching , great ending , nice story! (we need more thouse kind of movies :[ )
23) Jumper [2008] - 6.5/10 , didn't like it alot , cool caming in movie , about some jumper who can teleport to anywhere he wants to. Expecting 2nd part!
24) War [2007] - 9.5/10 again with Jason Statham (fanboy) and Jet Li very good movie with awesome ending , worth watching! Action movie btw.
25) Chaos [2005] - 8/10 Jason Statham(:D) & Wesley Snipes! about 2 detectives trying to catch bank robbers , interesting story and ofc worth watching.
26) Hitman [2007] - 7.5/10 , i think most of us have played this game on PS/PC , so the movie is like the game , but with another story!
27) Cellular [2004] - 7/10, cool movie about a m0m who got kidnapped by Jason Statham:( and was calling a random american to help, he thought it was a joke ,but then.. well , see by yourself! :D
28) 40 days and 40 nights [2002] - 6/10 a movie about a guy who decided (ofc by not his will, because of 1 problem ;>) not to have sex for 40 days and 40 nights , its a hard time for him , watch and see how he try's to do it in the party-life-time! Josh Harnett main actor!
29) 30 Days of Night [2007] - Josh Harnett as a police man in god forgotten city (alaska? :s) , which has a time in year when it looses sun for 30 days , so some weird group of vampires attacks the city and kills everyone /o\. Cool movie i liked it , HORROR movie, and ye 7/10.
30) Se7en [1995] - Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman as main actors trying to solve some mysterious crime scenes in city.. very good movie 10/10 , if you haven't seen it, well.. :D
31) Perfume: The story of a murderer [2006] - a cool movie which was filmed as far as i remember by a book, anyway the main actor was trying to make "the world's finest perfume". 7/10.
32) The boondock Saints [1999] - 9/10 cool action movie , about 2 brothers(?) which got into a bad story which ended quite good! I heard rumours that the 2nd serie will be this summer!
33) The Green Mile [1999] - 10/10 a movie about miracles, worth watching and i don't wanna spoil it. Tom Hanks as main actor.
34) Death at a Funeral [2007] - 8/10 funniest movie ever, can't say any description hense it's a comedy ;P , just worth watching.


Well I think that's enough from "i didn't forget thouse!11313", and yes, I'M BORED.

The bold ones are thouse , which I recommend you to watch (if you haven't seen them ofc).
Suggest me some movies which you recommend! :)

comedy > action !!!1
u know shit about movies
You liked The butterfly effect 2? Rofl how? That must've been one of the worst sequels I've ever seen.
I am legend
Shoot 'em Up <3
Ocean's 11,12,13 <3
V for Vendetta
Wild Hogs
Hot Fuzz
Bad boys I & II <- just epic
Jumper <- quite good
The 51st State <- if you want to laugh a lot.
Rush hours
Deja Vu
Talladega Nights
The Bucket List
The Bank Job
Run Fatboy Run
Lucky Number Slevin
Lucky You
Ocean's 11 is a great movie. But they ruined a good movie serie by doing Ocean's 12 but saved a bit by doing Ocean's 13.
death at a funeral really did make me fucking fall out of my chair in hysterics
the pianist
I sow yesterday a nice movie <3 i loved it ! 10,000 b.C :P a movie to watch with your girl :D
It isnt out yet. DVDrip
believe me it is !
i wasn't home when i watched it ... donno where from my cousin got it.sorry for not helping you :(
Harold and Kumar "go to the white castle "
Harold and Kumar "Escape From Guantanamo Bay" <- haven't seen it but dling it atm and it all who saw it said it's worth to watch it: )
hm ye , i watched white castle nice :P dling 2nd

thanks for advice!
go watch movies nerd
hahahaahahaha ENSAM 1 - RUSSIAN NERD 0

no need for that kind of language.
hahahahahhahaha FINNISH NERD 1 RUSSIAN NERD 1
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