rly guys:(

if noone send us demo we cant make a clip for our competition :<

i please u send some demo'S :<


http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=15271 <- its about this.
k...now explain
shit game is shit
obvious zerender is obvious
you are offline and w0nder is also offline thats pretty nice
just send me the link on my bnc thats np
come on irc

EDIT: Come on irc lets talk about stuff for the project.
just send me the link on my bnc ill get it the next day =)
time of the frag? link to the offi?-.-
It was mixvsclan and it's a docrun.
omg read the rulez before sending me some random link
I would like to send some demos, but then again it's realy hard to find time to start looking @ demos.
i got some nice cod2 demo's if you want
I can send you some randomfrags that aren't any good.

like you ever finish a project? :D :p

i dont make nice frags because i never have time to scrim
and im not gonna send public demos...
I have one action vs octane made 3 days ago but it's not from official so I cant send it, sorry
nice idea,I can't wait to see some clips :)
got 2/3 nice frags but not from official :p
doomed to fail
learnt how to put a link?
next offi @ 4.5 or smth like this 8<

will send you one then
aight o/
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