stupid votes


would you be so pleasant and stop making those stupid votes?
I thought this is a gaming community and not a english soccer community :s

either smart votes or no votes!

thanks -_-
football nerd game
Why should they? They pay the bills so their rules!
im dreadfully sorry w0nd3r. i will be more than sure to consult you whenever i feel the urge to post a poll concerning your config!

np: Eisley - Invasion / Combinations (2007)
np, I'm not alone with my opinion
i am quaking in my ugg boots :o)
Care about you!? If this is a gaming community, we are allowed to talk about any kind of gaming, not only FPS GEEKS!!!
but don't involve ppl with this topic, who dislike football/soccer like me. Set a filter or whatever but don't wind me up -.-
lol you may dislike football but you could be an addict for basquet ( example ), and I don't like basquet, but I would never get mad because some guys are talking about basquetball results from the last weekend :x
you could just not answer, i hate football, i just ignore it...
this option has been added after my journal was created, ololo
You, dear sir, have my fullest appreciation with everything you do.
do u have i wanna know ur music taste :o)

The most-played list doesn't really represent what listen to the most actually because I listen to music mostly from my mobile.
antifan O/
let me fuck you
how should i say?
why the hell you want to fuck me sexy boi?
i like your big titties,, you look so nice while dancing sexy in a string on the bar.. i made pictures of it
yeeeeeeeah lets have babies
Good point w0nd3r but.....

You could just as easily say the same against all the new posts about people asking for links to torrents,songs, movies ect ect ect :)

At least football is game related where as songs, movies ect isnt :)

By the way m8, the Champions League isnt just English related, well, it wasnt to start with, but it is now that 2 English teams made into the Championship Final for the 1st time iirc?
Setting a filter like in news would be a good solution imo
Admin decision is final, but Im not an Admin :)
Neither am I, but time will tell :o
good luck with that immanuel
seriously, i know you're a euro but it cant offend you that much. its not as if you dont have a website totally geared towards gaming and the games you play. if you cant accomodate a poll or two on a popular topic, then you need to see an optician my friend cos the world's a bigger place than the end of your nose :o)
seriously, do you feel offended? 8D
what are we conversing about again? something about ugg boots?
foonr, your reply wasnt aimed at me was it?
Though so, just replys are a little hard to understand where there aimed at, no harm ment :)
what i do is put the cursor in line with the left hand side of the flag on the reply, and mousewheel up till you get to a name :o)
Hmm, I dont get a name, I jut get a #26, as in this reply to you, no name just a number.
Nono, he meant that if you are not sure who is replied by a comment you are looking at, you should simply touch the left border of flag in that comment and then scroll up untill you can see a name.
Like if you see foonr's post - touch left border of his flag and then scroll up - you will notice that your comment is at the same vertical line as him, means you both replied the same guy. one post higher, you have the name "wonder" :-)
For few years now, Champions League has became more English than European tbh :D:D
3 out of 4 semi-final teams are from England. Last season was OK since they all failed but now... this is pretty fucked up that Barca has been kicked out :( I think that Dutch guy should burn in hell. Why he keeps 3 players which play the same style on the same position while Henry is not playing full time... I will never get it, really.
I don't see the stupid.
get a life :x football is our life!!!!!!
i don't like football so much ... :/
I must agree with U ( that sex is better sport )
but footbal is still number 2
nooo :( football is like at the end of the list :P
Lets think
Most sucessful football league in the world..

champions leageu isnt english leageu... and if your a man u like soccer , or else you are gay (my opinion)
its not english league. and its not your website. you are not alone, but also those who like those votes are not alone as well, so

cold you simply stfu? thanks.
Erm, no I won't.

Please carry out the instructions ->

image: rettungswerg-durch-ausgang

you should simply touch the left border of flag in that comment and then scroll up untill you can see a name

Hmmmm I still dont understand this "simply touch the left border of flag" but no worries :)

I am glad though that people like football on this site and Im not havning ago @ w0nd3r but I kind of understand where he is coming from, this is supposed to be a gaming site but many strange topics get added and always will do.

Im my honest opinion, this site would be boring if it was purley gaming only.

Check out the last few topics btw, Im sure a football topic is more interesting than such as "Nail biting, What did you do today ect ect" for examples :P

image: gamingrelatedNOT

The most popular hates of mine on this site has to be "good morning xfire I am leaving for school in 30 mins, please entertain me with some funny links" or "good morning xfire, what did you have for breakfast? I had <enter random food pic here> blah blah :P"
Just click off topic you bunch of whining bitchs
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