RIP Albert Hofmann

The greatest chemist of the 20th Century is dead!
RIP inventor of LSD!
He died at the age of 102, and then they say drugs are unhealthy, lol!
bb oO

dunno him imo
in your oppinion you dont know him?
that makes sense:D
yeah perhaps i heard in skl of him but @chemie i always played minigolf with my mobile phone :DD
dont know him in my opinion * !!
I'll meet you in another life, RIP ( :
blame the lsd..
btw lsd isnt unhealthy at all, its just the worst drugs ever for ur brain
doesn't it make it unhealthy then?+
unhealthy for ur brain, its not damaging ur body.. what i wanted to say is that it doesnt affect how old u can become
depends on too many factores you cant say its either good or bad.
i dont say its good i just say its not dangerous for ur body and that is a fact
yes sure, but it doesent need to be bad for your brain, there were actually diseases healed with it.
yep thats true.. but it destroys mentally weak people or those who cant handle it.. if u take it once a year or something i dont think it will damage u. but like once a week u will get stupid pretty fast.
but i dont take lsd, i dont wanna get fucked up
well imo ppl who never tried it cant make any oppinion about its effects :)
lol.. really lol...
i dont wanna take it because i saw alot of people on lsd and i dont wanna get like them
Get your facts straight
nub. tell me whats true if u know it better
Im not basing my knowledge about drugs on hearsay like you are but I cant be arsed to explain it in depth. Heres a halfway decent documentary that will show you whats scientificly dangerous, you might even learn a thing or two.
maybe u better learn not to talk bullshit all the day
maybe you should learn to think for yourself or at least learn how to objectivly get information and piece it together so you can form your opinions by yourself because Ive also seen many people on mushrooms, lsd, ecstasy, cocaine etc. And tbh the only ones that we're really fucked up where the guys on coke. I guess your just some sideshow guy thats never really been into the real drugscene and is commenting from the sidelines.. Dont fuck with me... In here or in reallife, you'll alway lose every argument cuz your the one whos talking bullshit - sad thing is you dont even notice.
ur guessing wrong and dont be 2 sure u`ll win every argument..
strong on the internets but weak in rl thats how u r.
and im fucking around with u how i want to, ur just a little prick that tries to look cool here and fails epicaly
but back to topic:
if u say the most people that are really fucked up took coke, u never saw any guy that took too much lsd... mindless freaks they are
Ok you've seen alot, how many? I knew arround 15 or 18 people that took this stuff for years 2-3 times a month and they wernt fucked up at all. The only ones that where fucked up where the guys that we're taking all kinds of shit, just typical junkies doing whatever they could get their hands on. I'm not weak in reallife in any way nor do I wanna make myself look cool, if you ask anyone that knows me they'll say how less I care about my internet reputation. Infact ive been reading crossfire for about 2 years and didnt sign up till a few month ago. My reason for writing this is just because my brain really starts hurting when I see someone talk about something they dont know. Its not about looking cool. I was dealing and was arround the drug scene for too long to not know what im talking about. Lsd doesnt do shit if your not the junkie type that just takes everything all weekend to feel good. Thats why I said get ur facts straight, I believe that you know some people that are fucked up but tell me are they just casual drug users are guys that get really fucked up every weekend? And tell me why LSD's even being used today in medical programs when it's so fucking dangerous? Maybe its cuz the doses are normal and the people who take it arn't total retards to begin with ..
as i said, too much of it destroys ur mind.
dont know how much they took and i dont wanna know it, but its enough for me to see how mindless they are now to prevent myself from taking it.
but it sounds for me like u say its ok to take hard drugs and thats exactly the point i dont wanna share.
cuz its never ok!
and sorry for my hard words, didnt want to offend u
Well it wasn't my intention to promote drugs at all. I myself have never took Lsd. I did some other hallucinogens a few times but that was it. I guess the effects of overusage are really different cuz I just knew alot of poeple who took it for quite some time but never depicted the lack of mind that ur stating. I guess its the same with every drug, some poeple can handle and control themselves and some simply can't. But my generell opinion on drugs is that it's ok to try and be open minded. It's just that some people have an addictive personality and begin to need them due to all kinds of reasons, self conciousness, low selfesteem, wanting to be cool and so on. Luckily I never was like that but I did do my share with experimenting. Personally It did change me but if I look at it now only for the good, gave me a hightend sense of perception that I still have today and also made me look at things from different angles instead of focusing on just a few. Basicly my experiences were only positiv but I also realized that theres MORE to life then getting high :>
106 nice
sad day :'( R.I.P.!
102 imo!
true, edited :)
i gonna make it to 1337
you know what they say, if he didnt use drugs he would have become 110!
Great man.
Too bad those goddamn hippies ruined and abused reputation of a great therapetical medicine of dr. hofmann
sad day in dopeland


going to get some acid in his honour...
:'(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( gayballs

good bye Albert :( RIP
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