++ must - have ++



'Worryaboutyou' is a new created database for mp3-songs.
The mentioned database has almost every music-genre included and you're downloading songs via their own 'fullspeed' ftp-server.

It's possible to choose english-, russian-, norwegian-, portuguese- or french language and the database has a capacity of 10 000 000 songs.

Of course it's not 100% legal, but it's the best alternative to torrents / programs like bearshare and others, because those options mentioned above are either really slow or the risk to get busted is increasing day by day. Furthermore you're not bound to register an account neither downloading any software.

Taking a shower now, enjoy downloading and instantly listening to your fav. songs.
Regards, virtu.

QuoteI've already tested it. Everything works fine for me. The Quality is awesome and I'm downloading with 1,4MB/s, because of the 16MB-connection.
oke pretty handy thnx

edit: added to favourites :D
omgoat it works, thx <3
cool , thanks
Quoterisk to get busted


nice site tho
by the almighty mythbusters
ok this is good
god has spoken
Journal of the year.
Nah seriously, protect this journal from being deleted. 8D
but how to find full sets/cds? these are only singles mainly
'Worryaboutyou' is a new created database for mp3-songs.
they should support albums^^
Quote but how to find full sets/cds? these are only singles mainly
Impossible so far.
Due to the fact this database is 'pretty new' it's just possible to download single-tracks. I guess they gonna advance the database as soon as possible.
get tracklist, download each track

I can't find any Sunn O))) T_T
it's good..if it's not a trap
sounds too good to be true tbh
lulz only 2 mournful congregation songs, what are they doing :{
"it's not 100% legal"

That's one way of putting it. I'd say that it's 0% legal in most EU countries. They claim that it's legal in Russia, but only as long as you "purchase license CD (audio tape) or delete this file" after you listen to it.

The "rules" for using the site are possible the silliest I've ever seen, but people won't care more about the rules than about the legality. :)
Quote by Rule 4.4. I am not a law enforcement officer, nor a postal inspector, nor operating under an assumed name or in cooperation with the RIAA, FBI, or any criminal investigation; nor am I seeking out evidence which may serve as the basis for any charge of violating federal, state, or local laws.

haha lold so hard
oh the irony :D
thank you very much :D
thanks rly.. I found even my music .. all artists tested matched!
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