Flyff acrobat class

Hi i became an acrobat im lvl 15 my stats:

(im penguin buffed) can you give any tip whats better bow or yoyo???

Skill like a Jester, but instead of a yoyo use a bow. Every hit a crit.
Yeah, but autoattacking gets a bit boring sometimes. :()
ewwww blow jester
ask BoerHarm
only add dex , stop with the rest sta is enough (got jester of 71) I prefer bow , if you'r buffed you don't have to heal or anything because you constantly shoot criticals at lvl 60. Very chill to level
fulldex with bow -> Epic win
if ur going bj(dex) u gna have 90% crit +/- @ lvl 60
if ur going yj(str & dex) u gna have less crit but at 65 u get a skill that gives u 40% crit so :)

I got a lvl 92 YJ, hitting 7k on Shuhamma's (98)
got any advice for a ranger? 8)
most rangers are aoe so 60-80 sta rest dex
thought they got a nice blockrate so is that much sta needed? :O
show pix of your yj btw!!
any advices for ringmaster? /:
Iam playing a Ringmaster ( at German Server / Lv 100 =] )
You can decide.
If you know, that u'll get enough money, and you can go to Azria, then u should do only pure int ( all stat-points to INT )
If you think, u'll not level in Azria, u should do some STA ( because angry / red enemys attack u :> )
You can decide.
I played my Ringmaster from 0-60 ( Pure Int )
And from 60 - 100 ( Only STA )
So he had long enough Buffs and he didn't get killed that fast.
Now iam AOE RM :>
But i was inactiv for like 4 Weeks ( Internet Problems etc. )
btw you fucked up already , nice INT
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