
guys...been out until 8am...just normally, but what i experienced, smth different...

ok..3 guys from the start, 1 off(girlfriend), so 2 guys going to camera-club.at my friend was weak enough to sleep in that club so i talked to other peeps and had fun - 1 person :D... i got to known a BLACK guy, who was really cool but quit fooled by the barkeeper.. that was my point to start a discussion with her (its quite a good point to talk to women coz they are and will be "under" u with that opinon but nvm ^^)

well i set a bet yesterday with that black guy, who was rly funny and entertaining: told him, that he will be able to enter every club with me, which normally is impossible for him coz of his color... well..i took a cab and drove to an after hour club with him, called goodmans (quite deep stuff i have to admit ^^): got there and the security guy told us a cold "NO"..

i let this open for u guys..i bet many of u have made this experience too with foreign guys and its just a pity (u'll recognize, this is an individual case, ONE TIME experience)..

probably to add: i forgot to get my jacket, which i'll get tonight (hopefully) and i spent 90 euros ;'(

money is so fucking overrated in this world =(

and yea racism is alive

hi2u tobi :)

fucking wasted.....hope to get my jacket :/
You have racist behaviour permitted in Austria? WTF
well thats why i spend my freetime in clubs like camera club, coz its "open" for everyone eventually... but individual cases are always different...

but yes, you are right ofc... it happens everywhere and everytime...thats not a new thing i wanted to add to the useless journals of xfire.be.

what i want is: next to the xfire racist humor, think once or twice about the real facts - they are, like said, quite sad and true :o
I have nothing against racist jokes, they are quite funny tbh (even if they are about "whiteys") as long as they are jokes for fuck's sake. I thought that in a civilised EU country you can expect racial tolerance in entertainment facility. Never encountered something like this in Poland (skinheads beating up foreigners are quite usual though but that's a thing the gov fights with).
its all about the money...they seem like to have more guests if they do that policy - fact. those are private clubs who live from the money of the guests..so thats a circus we wont brake that fast..but its a step forward if we go to clubs with an open opinion...!
Yeah but if in Poland someone suddenly denied entrance to his club for non-whites he would probably go to jail quite quickly. We have loads of racists in Poland but the law is strongly against them.
ok...the money is over laws in austria...in that case!

good and bad thing, the hard law in poland...depends :/
Well there is one benefit of the policy in Austria - you are rich and we aren't :D
sad but true :S
black guys aren't allowed in clubs ? wtf ..
lol...is that anything new to you? its quite hard to enter a club with that skin color in austria tbh..
what the fuck is wrong with austria ..................
yeah 73 yo ppl lock their daughters in secret basements and make 7 children with them etc... sad
and dont let people into clubs based on their skin color. WTF
yea, i saw that :D and only 15 years of jail . I LOLD
xDDDDDDDDDDDD they austrians love those thingies xXDXDXDxdxdk;difhlahdsfigj lefp;p;p;oplolollololo
prolly he'll die anyway in 15 years :)
yeah thats what i thought... i think that until 80 he dies for sure, although those prisons in Austria are like hotels...
look at all the pics here
like a fucking hotel
can't believe :)
its true, its located in Leoben, Austria
well, in innsbruck we even got black bouncers!
so it's utter bs to say austrian clubs are mainly occupied by racists.

for example i am not able to enter as many clubs to which a load of black people would have access to. so why is that? because of my long hair + beard. i am austrian though, THEY GOTTA BE RACIST!
lol i dont say that.. not at all!!! i'd never call any security a racist because he said "no" to a black or foreign guy... i can understand the fact that they, seen to the majority of ppl, are quite poor and try everything to get their money grown....also drugs and stuff...thats eventually their point...

but u cant make it that easy, just bcoz of the skin color..thats just a pity for them, which i expierienced last night, which was interupted by a security guy..i mean wtf..
dood, they won't let me into a huge number of clubs just for having too long hair. every club has its own special clientele which determines the attributes which you got to live up with if you want to enter. sadly skin colour might be one of these attributes too.

just a random picture of one of our clubs:
i guess your skin colour would be troubling you to get into there too.
it's not racism you are talking about, it's superficiality.
i dont think it will be a prob for me to enter any club tbh... thats why i write this journal.. :/

ofc i get your point...but if you are styled and funny, its NP to enter any club..but the black guy and me were styled and funny..oO
Entering such a club could reasult in a fight with the customers but under no circumstances should be forbidden by the owner imo.
so you'd rather have a fight in your club than a peaceful evening?
SURE, i got to admit that there ARE clubs which employ bouncers who definitely are racists. but being of a black skin colour won't prohibit you to enter ALL austrian clubs. as i said, the clientele determines what you have to look like. over here we got clubs which you simply won't be able to enter as an austrian and those which you won't be able to enter as a foreigner. if that affects you in any way, just boycott this superficial bullshit, but depicting austria as a racist country (resulting in comments like "OH MY GOD, THE HITLER COUNTRY DOES IT AGAIN!") is just stupid.
Never depicted Austria like that tbh and I don't want to cause defining a country only by a part of it is pointless. BUT: telling a white guy who tries to enter a black-only club "Gtfo filthy cracker, you won't enter this club" or "Hey dude go in if you really want it but there are only black people inside and if I were you I'd rather choose another place" makes a difference imo. Bouncers are the ones who have to keep the peace and running away from a problem by just banning the entrance is not a solution. As a customer I wouldn't like to spend my time in a place that is ran on racist rules.
youre right
Course I fucking am x)
youre right
"every club has its own special clientele" agree with it, happened to us one time, because one of us had not a club/disco clothes on
Well the clothes policy is in Poland too but you must admit that it's a lot less offensive than racism :D
Strange country then really.
its the opposite in belgium
they see black people as "special" and they get in without any probs at all. even if the dresscode is tux-only, you see black people in xxl-tshirts inside :p np4them
they only do difficult to turks/marocs inhere actually
i wouldnt let niggas enter my club aswell
they r cool
its teh same here in yermany . . . sad but troo
hitler was Austrian thats another proof for rasicm there
really sad that they aren't able to change their attitude after round 60 years
well, i wouldnt say the security guy is a nazi... he has to judge in the will of the chief - mostly: no anger and funny guys which are a bit styled...

i just want to add an individual case, which is quite abnormal, but it let us start thinking sometimes about the fact, that we judge @ a base which is quite useless, ad) skin color....
so true :/
seriously, u got to be a very stupid kid.
so fuckin trooo
if you think you are able to judge this :<
well, i can judge people by what they wrote. and your comment seriously could be used as the solemn definition of stupidity.
hmm it s an opinion based on the article above and i didn't mean that every austrian is a nazi but hitler was one and that is fact so call me stupid but i don't care any more
so where are you from? do you really think that hitler is a paradigm for austrian society? i'd rather say that austria, especially because of its history, can't afford to be a racist country.
reducing a country to single persons is just a proof of one's inability to think clearly.
I didn't think that he represent the whole austrian and i m sorry if you missunderstood my sarcasm above.
what happened in 1968? ololololol
nide edit btw :D

first start thinking, after u've done so start writing^^
srsly, as a german u shouldn't say smth like this, i mean hitler was from austria...but his rise started in germany...so i guess we are sitting in the same boat
1968? ROFL, says it all :D
stfu, better start praccing tm!
ich fick dich :-(

sometimes it even goes as far as not taking indonesian girls in =)
Not that hard for black people here since the black people that go out are mostly pretty swedalized. :) You'll have a much harder time as an east european or arab - the guards know how many fights they start.
in my place they can come in but a few hours laters they got trouble with the skinheads and then is there a fight a few XXXXL security ppl come and then BOOOMBOOMBOOM every got kicked out and they are going to fight outside again and zeh XXXXL security is calling the carepolice and then the police is coming and zoefzoef every is running away

Age: 10 ( 1 January 1998 ) u are not allowed to come there!
hahaha fuck you :)
what if he said NO because of you :D
hehe, probalby..ill never know i guess..but what i know that ive never experienced a prob to enter a club...^^
same here, still we've got too many nazis, foreigners wouldnt even want to enter
well, in Poland black people are very rare, but I was with my friends from france who are black in many clubs when they were in PL and we never had any problems..
but what do you expect from a country which was a friend of GER (murdered 6 milions ppl because of their nationality? NP)
because of their religion
LOL what a fucktard you must be
he said they were murdered because of their nationality, which is wrong. insult me for correcting his false statement LOL FUCKTARD LOL INTERNET
Well you corrected him wrongly, probably driven by nazi propaganda so I assume you are a fucktard. The ones murdered by nazis were people who had jewish roots (though they had more or less jewish nationality) nvm if they actually believed in Jahwe or not.

If nazis were killing people because of their religion - what about gay, gypsy, slavic casualties?
i never said that they only killed jews, and what the fuck are you talking about nazi propaganda? like 90% of the holocaust victims were killed because of their religion, whether they were active jews or just had jewish roots
ps: i wasnt there 65 years ago, stop acting like a 12 year old.
Dude... if someone has jewish roots and doesn't believe in Jahwe - Judaism is NOT his religion. It's just that he has Jewish nationality. It's not like the yermans had a quick interview with each holocaust victim "-Hello, is Judaism your religion? -No it's not, it was just my parents believing in it - OK you're free to go" - no they just slaughtered people because of their nationality which actually is something different from religion. I'm not asking you to have been there just to learn some history before posting bs.
what the fuck are you talking about? stupid polish fuck telling me to think before posting - i never said anything like that, dunno where you got that from, i said exactly the same like you just wrote.
No idiot you said:
Quotebecause of their religion
Quotehe said they were murdered because of their nationality, which is wrong.

And I said that you are wrong - it wasn't because of their religion. It was because of their nationality. Try to read what I reply to you, it might reduce all the confusion.
what the hell? do you think theres a place called jewcountry, where every inhabitant is a jew, somewhere? there was actually a guy from israel in hitlers lower executive staff who wasnt jewish
do you even understand what im trying to tell you? watch the nazi propaganda movie "der ewige jude" there you can get a guess of how the nazis were thinking and how they tried to convince the german population why the jews should be treated like "rats"
and you are pretty sure that all of them believed in jahwe??
I think being jew was enough for germans to kill them
no, i dont think so. most of them weren't even jewish but had jewish ancients - its just that they were haunted and killed because of the fact that they were related to jews, which was enough for the nazis to put them in the concentration camps
I dont see big difference here, really.. 6 millions is still 6 millions
well if u think that way, just visit us in austria...

and if so, isnt it a good thing that I, as an austrian, post this? it is, i believe ^^

austria is the ppl who live in it, and if they change the right way -> gg
Actually I have been in Austria 1 year ago :P
Zillertal, Hintertux etc. paradise for skiing :P and Insbruck is very nice city tbh
Imo it's kind of heritage of your country, this "nazi-like" behaviour
you cant escape from this
Ohplz to u nas nigdy sie z PRL-owskiej mentalnosci nie wyzwolimy? :D Nie sadze. Austriacy chyba nie sa z tego az tak dumni :P
ok i count on you :D
Ok let me translate: "Ohplz so we never will get out from the PRL (Polish People's Republic - name of Poland under communist influences) mentality? I don't think so. Austrians aren't that proud of that [the "hitler heritage"] imo."
lol theres nothing but shame about this guy and time...every country has its history, its not a birthday present, we have to make the best of it...WE! ;ö)
xDDDD anyway, if I counted only skiing slopes, I would love Austria :P lets stick to this
fuck off i love poland too bcoz of its positive sights :o)
yea, come to visit my city, Krakow, it has the most beatiful square in whole Europe :)
lol i acutally know that city..its pretty well known tbh... ive been to poznan (pga lan). poland is really nice!! the guys are huge and the girls are quite pretty ;ö)
Wien is pretty nice at night :P
it is....especially camera club ;ö)
is das noch immer so eine drogen-vercheck-bude ?
ganz normaler club tbh...wurde noch kein einziges mal wegen drogen angestänkert und bin öfters dort...musst da aba im vorfeld aussuchen, welche parties du besuchen willst. ist immer unterschiedlich ;)

ich bin heut nochmal dort...kommst vorbei =)
aus graz komm ich vorbei, ja k :d
ne jetzt ernsthaft, vor 6 jahren oder so hab ich dort mal weed gekauft, war immer so der ruf, wenns nirgends geht, bzw grad die polizei-raids abgehen, dort is immer ein verrückter wo man noch was kaufen kann... :)
he better killed all the poltards, no one would ever speak of "unhittable and 40maxpackets" this days
AND ITS 1st of MAY FFS.. if thats not a sign, i dunno anymore...oO
best people i ever met was black skin people (best charakter, good friends)
lol...well, i dunno rly... its a law based thing. but it mixes is private law (your ground and club so u can judge whos coming in etc.) and another law, which says u have to be emancipated to everyone etc...its not sure ull get money or anything... its in the word of the judge :D
r u black? :D or just the same experience?
what i can say: he prepares good kebap!
that for sure
like black sheep?
but black ppl too :/
you are mentally retarded for sure! =]
[16:08] <@AL1`> MENTALLY RETARDED???

yes, ban now! :D
Bestest e-buddies:


says it all!
and uuuuuuuuuuuuuu ofc <333333333333
they aren't racists... they are realists
it's only in their profession that prejudice is an advantage, and that makes them paid rascists.
we have this with "prolls" in berlin @some clubs. :pp

didnt have any probs so far. my friend is black and shes ubercool(ok maybe shes a girl) but we never have probs to come in clubs.
ye if girls are good looking it makes no difference at all where they are from acutally..they attract lots of men - good for the owners
Ridiculous behavior tbfh everyone should be allowed to enjoy a public place

Except the french
Racism exists. it's that simple. im black and have experienced racism but going around upset, depressed, pissed off doesn't change the fact that racism exists. Don't blame racists for the way they view the world, instead ask ureself how you got in this situation and how you can avoid it in the future. Getting upset about the way the world is will change nothing but how you deal with the situation will makes you responsible for your own life.

If i was that black dude who got denied because of my skin colour, then i would just see that as HIS PROBLEM, it's got nothing to do with me. Maybe his had a fucked up experience with a coloured person and generalised and judged the entire black race, wateva it is, there is no way in hell i would take it personally and let someone elses behaviour upset or ruin my day, because it isn't that racist that has ruined my day, it's me allowing that person to ruin my day.

We rly have to stop blaming other people and take full responsibility for our OWN lives.
youre writing my words..bestest comment! i really appreciate your sight, u take it from u with that sight, which is important and essential. but i see uve experienced depression etc before...we wont learn it without bad experience though..
around here as long as you meet the dress code, and arent being sick in the queue, your ok :P
Once I was fined 16 euros for not buying my train ticket in time. The black dude next to me didn't have a ticket either. I did the effort of signaling the ticket dude before entering the train, the black dude didn't. I had to pay 16 euros, the black dude got away with it.
Well done security guard guy!
everywhere like that in austria, the only thing you can do about this is boycott those clubs, go to some free parties, etc =)
I'm no racist or xenophob at all, but one thing is for sure .. the black coloured people tend to smell bad. Thats why I don't want to sit near them in the tramway.

Same with other (white etc.) ppl that smell!
are you referring to black people (african) or gypsies ?
Unsere letzte hoffnung : hit...
olo you know the poster?:o
doesnt work in austria.

plus the police loves to gag black ppl and hit them to death etc. ;)
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