New DirectX10 Benchmarking software

3DMark Vantage 1.0.0

It includes two new graphics tests, two new CPU tests, several new feature tests, and support for the latest hardware and developed specifically to take full advantage of DirectX10

requires Windows Vista and DirectX10 Compliant graphics card, and does not work in any other operating systems or with sub-DX10 graphics cards.


p.s: pm me.. If you're interested in having the Pro Edition!
u have the pro edition? :o

gimme :-s
O/S: Windows Xp
dont have vista :d
great for my geforce 2
cba to install vista
how is dx10 for xp going? last time i checked it was only alpha
Visually Vantage was a huge disappointment. All the previous editions have had top notch graphics, but the current edition looks mediocre at best.

Considering the fact that cool graphics have been one of the major selling points of the previous 3DMarks, I was a bit surprised with the lack of wow-factor in this version.

But then, Futuremark has it's own games division now: one doesn't have to be a genius to figure out where their best artists are at the moment...
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