found the ET folder =S

well the other month i was complaning about that i cant find any of my demos, screenshots etc. and i was just browsing for them and <<<I FOUND THEM>>> but in a place where i cant actually find any where. :S

This is where my screenshots and demos are been recorded and shot to. which i dont want it to go but it does. and then when ETPRO loads they dont load on ET so i can watch them =S


This must be the orignal folder so i can only edit things in here such as my config. and where my pictures, demos go in the picture above.


This picture above is where i normally do all my work to like putting in my configs but i cant edit becuase it says:


so how can i sort this problem out. I want to edit all my configs and for my demos, screenshots to go to the one which is most easiest to this one:


EDIT: OH that hyperlink the IRVINE/appdata/local i cant actually locate it i hate to use that link and type in appdata to find it. Vista is so stupid also i found alot of videos in there of old movies that arnt in my video section where i put them in the first place. Everyything is just fucked up xD

please can any body help?

thanks :D
your etfolder is in your computer i guess
hi kaka smoking paka?
If you want the screenies / configs / demos to save in the ET folder (which is in you Program Files!) you need to always run ET as administrator.. Vista User Account Control prevents saving files to Program Files otherwise.

I don't keep my ET installation in program files just because of this.

Oh, and of course you could turn UAC off.. What I don't recommend if you're not experienced enough.
ok so i just run ET.EXE as administrato. How will this allow all my screenshots demos etc to be saved in program files then?

i wont turn off my UAC dont have a clue what it is xD

i should turn back into windows XP. vista just bollox it all up. All my stuff is shuffled around everywhere. =(
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